Tips to Speed up your automation tests [Video]

This Video is technical and touches on topics such as test automation framework design, hermetic servers, Docker containers, architecture for testability, test environments provisioning, DevOps collaboration, testing when depending on internal and external services, the joys and pitfalls of parallel execution.


Simplifying Mobile app testing with AWS Device Farm.

With AWS Device Farm, you can interact with real Android and iOS devices from your browser or run automated tests written in popular frameworks like Appium, Espresso, and XCTest.

Device Farm was launched by Amazon in July 2015 and it has been improved a ot over the years. It helps mobile developers test their apps against a large (and growing) collection of real phones and tablets to improve the quality of their apps. (more…)

3 Reasons – Why Testers should learn Coding

Reason 1 – Automation: Automation Testing is the Future
Modern applications are complex and demands testing each layer (API, DB, UI, Queuing Mechanism, NFRs, etc.). Test Engineers need to learn coding so that they can effectively write automation test and test the various layers.
Development/DevOps practices are evolving hence Testing practices need to be evolved too. Testers need to run at the fast pace too so that testing cycle time can be reduced and fast feedback can be given on the newly developed software.

The Goal is to ship faster by reducing the overall release cycle time. (more…)

The State of Test Automation in 2020 (via

Test automation is critical to the DevOps pipeline. But its rate of adoption varies. And many teams still struggle to achieve successful test automation.

Download this report by to learn:

  • How many test cases teams are actually automating.
  • Who exactly is responsible for testing.
  • The biggest challenges teams face in automation.
  • The length of a typical release cycle.
  • Which tools teams rely on for testing.
  • The top priorities for testing in 2020.
  • And much more!

Download android app Software Testing – Full Stack QE and get the early access.