Below are the capabilities of Karate UI. Gives many reasons why one should go for Karate over Selenium.

  • Simple, clean syntax that is well suited for people new to programming or test-automation
  • All-in-one framework that includes parallel-execution, HTML reports, environment-switching, and CI integration
  • Cross-platform – with even the option to run as a programming-language neutral stand-alone executable
  • No need to learn complicated programming concepts such as “callbacks” “await” and “promises”
  • Option to use wildcard and “friendly” locators without needing to inspect the HTML-page source, CSS, or internal XPath structure
  • Chrome-native automation using the Chrome DevTools Protocol (equivalent to Puppeteer)
  • W3C WebDriver support built-in, which can also use remote / grid providers
  • Cross-Browser support including Microsoft Edge on Windows and Safari on Mac
  • Parallel execution on a single node, cloud-CI environment or Docker – without needing a “master node” or “grid”
  • You can even run tests in parallel across different machines – and Karate will aggregate the results
  • Embed video-recordings of tests into the HTML report from a Docker container
  • Windows Desktop application automation using the Microsoft WinAppDriver
  • Android and iOS mobile support via Appium
  • Seamlessly mix API and UI tests within the same script, for example sign-in using an API and speed-up your tests
  • Use the power of Karate’s match assertions and core capabilities for UI assertions
  • Simple retry and wait strategy, no need to graduate from any test-automation university to understand the difference between “implicit waits”, “explicit waits” and “fluent waits” 🙂
  • Simpler, elegant, and DRY alternative to the so-called “Page Object Model” pattern
  • Carefully designed fluent-API to handle common combinations such as a submit() + click() action
  • Elegant syntax for typical web-automation challenges such as waiting for a page-load or element to appear
  • Execute JavaScript in the browser with one-liners – for example to get data out of an HTML table
  • Compose re-usable functions based on your specific environment or application needs
  • Comprehensive support for user-input types including key-combinations and mouse() actions
  • Step-debug and even “go back in time” to edit and re-play steps – using the unique, innovative Karate Extension for Visual Studio Code
  • Traceability: detailed wire-protocol logs can be enabled in-line with test-steps in the HTML report
  • Convert HTML to PDF and capture the entire (scrollable) web-page as an image using the Chrome Java API


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