In this post we will discuss the role of a tester in these phases and how to testers can prevent more defects in Defect Prevention phase and how testers can detect more bugs in Defect Detection phase
Role of a tester in defect prevention and defect detection.
Defect prevention – In Defect prevention, developers plays an important role. In this phase Developers do activities like – code reviews/static code analysis, unit testing, etc. Testers are also involved in defect prevention by reviewing specification documents. Studying the specification document is an art.
While studying specification documents, testers encounter various queries. And many times it happens that with those queries, requirement document gets changed/updated.
Developers often neglect primary ambiguities in specification documents in order to complete the project; or they fail to identify them when they see them. Those ambiguities are then built into the code and represent a bug when compared to the end-user’s needs. This is how testers help in defect prevention.
We will discuss “How to review the specification document?” in a separate post.
Defect Detection & Defect Prevention
Defect Detection – In Defect detection, role of a tester include Implementing the most appropriate approach/strategy for testing ,preparation/execution of effective test cases and conducting the necessary tests like – exploratory testing, functional testing, etc.
To increase the defect detection rate, tester should have complete understanding of the application. Ad hoc /exploratory testing should go in parallel with the test case execution as a lot of bugs can be found through that means.
Defect Prevention early in the cycle has the following benefits:
  • Faster Delivery – Accelerate the release cycles – Ensure smooth deliveries.
  • Software Development free of Hassles
  • Reduces Rework
  • Reduces costs
  • Increase Customer satisfaction