Practical Tips to Speed up the Software Delivery Performance

Hey Guys, I just completed the book “Accelerate”. This book will give you enough ideas to improve software delivery performance and how to measure software delivery performance using statistical methods. I would like to share industry proven and practical tips which helps you speed up the Software Delivery Performance.

Accelerate classified the capabilities into 4 categories:

  1. Technology & Automation
  2. Product and Process
  3. Lean Management and Monitoring
  4. Cultural

Technology & Automation capabilities:

  1. Use version control for all production artifacts
  2. Automate the deployment process
  3. Implement continuous integration
  4. Use trunk-based development methods
  5. Implement test automation (tests are run automatically throughout the development)
  6. Support test data management
  7. Shift Left on Security
  8. Implement continuous delivery (CD)
  9. Use a loosely coupled architecture
  10. Architecting for empowered teams

Product and Process Capabilities:

  1. Gather and implement customer feedback
  2. Make the flow of work visible through the value stream
  3. Work in small batches
  4. Foster and enable team experimentation

Lean Management and Monitoring Capabilities:

  1. Have a lightweight change approval processes
  2. Monitor across application and infrastructure to inform business decisions
  3. Check system health proactively
  4. Improve processes and manage work with work-in-process (WIP) limits
  5. Visualize work to monitor quality and communicate throughout the team

Cultural Capabilities:

  1. Support a generative culture (Performance Oriented)
  2. Climate for learning
  3. Collaboration among teams
  4. Provide resources and tools that make work meaningful
  5. Support transformational leadership

In next couple of articles, we will go over these capabilities one by one.

~Happy testing

What is the DevOps lifecycle and how does it work?

The DevOps culture is changing the way software products are built and maintained. It is a culture of continuous improvement, where IT operations are an integral part of the software development process. This new way of working has given birth to new tools that allow for effective automation testing. These tests can be run over and over again without any human errors being made and ensure no bugs are released into production code.
