How to Speed Up Software Development?

Why Is Faster Software Development Important?

Faster software development is important because it saves time and money.

In a business world that is more competitive than ever before, it’s important to be able to develop software as quickly as possible. Today’s software developers need to be able to build out new features for the company’s product or service, and they need to do so quickly. The faster that this can happen, the less time is wasted, which means that companies will be more prepared and have a higher chance of success in this competitive market.

What Practices Will Help You Speed Up Your Software Development?

  1. Shift Left through Automation
  2. Implement CI/CD
  3. Automate as many tasks as possible – coding, data entry, testing, etc.
  4. Make defects visible so they can be fixed early and often – unit testing, nightly builds, etc.
  5. Know what you want before you build it – are requirements clear? does the design make sense? are there risks or side effects we should know about?
  6. Do things in parallel wherever possible – running multiple tests, running multiple code reviews at the same time, etc.
  7. Be responsive to changes in requirements and design from stakeholders and teammates
  8. Limit your work in progress

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Tips to Speed up your automation tests [Video]

This Video is technical and touches on topics such as test automation framework design, hermetic servers, Docker containers, architecture for testability, test environments provisioning, DevOps collaboration, testing when depending on internal and external services, the joys and pitfalls of parallel execution.


3 Reasons – Why Testers should learn Coding

Reason 1 – Automation: Automation Testing is the Future
Modern applications are complex and demands testing each layer (API, DB, UI, Queuing Mechanism, NFRs, etc.). Test Engineers need to learn coding so that they can effectively write automation test and test the various layers.
Development/DevOps practices are evolving hence Testing practices need to be evolved too. Testers need to run at the fast pace too so that testing cycle time can be reduced and fast feedback can be given on the newly developed software.

The Goal is to ship faster by reducing the overall release cycle time. (more…)

XPath for beginners | Selenium Automation Testing – Part 1

XPath for beginners | Selenium Automation Testing – Part 1

Hey Guys, 

“XPath for beginners” articles are authored by our guest Megha Kharbanda. These awesome tutorials will help you to understand xpath from scratch.  

Part 1: About x-path and its basic syntax:

X-Path is used to navigate through web elements and attributes in an XML Document. From automation testing perspective (especially with selenium), xpath helps in identifying the web elements.

X-Paths can be created by:

  • Basic Syntax
  • Using AND & OR
  • Contains ()
  • Starts – With ()
  • Text ()
  • Following
  • Preceding
  • Ancestor

Basic x-path:

// : specifies that you want to search specific tag
Tagname: tag you are looking for
Attribute :  attribute in that tag
Value : value of that attribute
Example with a text field:
Consider a text field “Username”: Attributes of Username is:

The xpath of this field will be //input [@id = ‘username’]. Here @id will turn your focus on textbox
In case you do not have ID of the object:

EXAMPLE:  Attributes of a login button: 

xpath will be: //input [@value=’Login’]

Another example of xpath for image:

HTML Attributes of image is: 
< a title = ‘Powered by W’ href = ‘’’’/>
xpath will be: //a [@title = ‘Powered by W’]
If any attribute is not sufficient to identify a web element, you can take help of another element.
SYNTAX:  //tagname[@attribute1=’value1′] [@attribute2=’value2′]
Example: Attributes of a password field:

Since class is same for all textboxes on that page , so it is not sufficient to identify , therefore we take another attribute.
xpath will be: //input [@class = ‘input’] [@name = ‘password’]
It can also be used in this way:
Using OR in xpath//input [@class = ‘input’ OR @name = ‘password’]
If any of the above can be true then it will identify the web element.

Using AND in xpath: //input [@class = ‘input’ AND @name = ‘password’]
Both of them has to be true in order to identify the web element.
In Part 2, we will explore advanced methods of xpaths.
Happy Testing,

Giveaway Contest – 4 Books – QTP Descriptive Programming Unplugged

As we posted earlier, Tarun Lalwani and Anshoo Arora (authors of book QTP Descriptive Programming Unplugged) has offered 2 copies for our blog readers. We are going to double this count by giving away 2 books from our side. So there will be total of 4 books. To Participate in this giveaway you need to register below (widget at the end of this post).

Note – Our previous giveaways were for Indian readers only. But this giveaway is for all readers all countries 🙂


1. Like this Facebook Page and click YES in below form (10 Points) – Mandatory
3. Follow us @testingconcepts on Twitter and enter your twitter handle(username) in below form (4 Points) – Optional
3. Tweet about this giveaway (see below bold text) and enter the URL in below form (25 Points) – Optional

Tweet this message (entire text in bold):
Giveaway Contest – 4 Books – “QTP Descriptive Programming Unplugged” – via @testingconcepts

More points = more chances to win the book.

Contest begins from today and ends on Nov 18, 2012. After the end date, we will choose 4 random entries as winners from the participants/entries with higher points.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Book Review and Giveaway – QTP Descriptive Programming Unplugged by Tarun Lalwani | 4 Books

[Giveaway Details are mentioned in the last]

Guys, one more great news. Tarun Lalwani (Author of QTP Best seller books – QTP Unplugged and And I thought I knew QTP) along with QTP expert Anshoo Arora  has released his new book in Descriptive Programming. Book title is QTP Descriptive Programming Unplugged.

To view the Book Preview click here

About this book:
QTP Descriptive Programming Unplugged is an in-depth reference and guide on using HP QTP Test Objects. A must-have for every user, from beginner to expert, this comprehensive book will help you to master a range of Object Identification techniques in QTP. Written by two seasoned QTP experts – Anshoo Arora and Tarun Lalwani – the book discusses and demonstrates both basic and advanced topics and is presented in a clear and easy-to-follow format. With this book, you will learn about:

  • Object Identification
  • Object Repository (Shared and Local)
  • Descriptive Programming
  • Visual Relation Identifiers
  • ChildObjects
  • Internationalization Testing
  • CSS- and XPATH-based Identification
  • Web Services
  • Writing QTP Scripting in .NET
  • Web Extensibility and much more…
About Authors

Anshoo Arora:
Anshoo Arora is a Test Architect and Software Developer, best known for his Test Automation website, He is continuously researching to find better ways of working with QTP, simplifying automation maintenance and creating extensible test suites/frameworks. A regular contributor at AdvancedQTP and SQAForums, he is also the Technical Editor and Reviewer of QuickTest’s first conceptual book, ‘And I thought I knew QTP!’
Tarun Lalwani:
Tarun Lalwani is a Test Automation and Solutions Architect and the author of the two most widely-read books on QTP, ‘QuickTest Professional Unplugged’ and ‘And I Thought I knew QTP!’. Tarun is the founder of Test Automation Research and Labs (TARLABS); a company focused on Test Automation Products and Services. He is also the owner and lead author for KnowledgeInbox; a blog and publication house focused on Test Automation.
About Giveaway:
Authors has offered 2 copies for our blog readers. We are going to double this count by giving away 2 books from our side. So there will be total of 4 books. This is not only for Indian readers but for all readers.

Contest will Begin at Nov 10, 2012 and Ends on Nov 18, 2012. After the end date, we will choose 4 random entries as winners from the participants/entries with higher points
We will publish a separate post on how to enter this contest. Till then you can like the book Page –