Winners of Giveaway – 5 Books – Test Automation and QTP

Winners of Giveaway – 5 Books – Test Automation and QTP

(Oct 13, 2012: 2nd winner updated)
Guys, Its time to announce the first lucky winner of Giveaway Contest – 5 Books – “Test Automation and QTP”.

1st Winner is Ragin Ravindran ( Congratulations to Ragin. Winners will be contacted directly by the author.

Next winners will be announced on 10 Oct, 20 Oct, 30 Oct and 10 Nov.

(Note – Winners are automatically picked by Rafflecopter automatically based on highest points)

Oct 12, 2012: 2nd Winner:
Congratulations to the 2nd winner of giveaway book “Test Automation and QTP”.
2nd winner is – Dan Charles
Oct 21, 2012: 3rd winner
Congratulations to the 3rd winner of giveaway book “Test Automation and QTP”.
3rd winner is – Puneet Lalwani –

QTP Book Winner - Giveaway -"Test Automation and QTP"

Oct 30, 2012: 4th winner:
Congratulations to the 4th winner of giveaway book “Test Automation and QTP”.
4th winner is – Kshitij Peter –
QTP Book Winner - Giveaway -"Test Automation and QTP"
Nov 10, 2012: 5th winner:
Congratulations to the 5th winner of giveaway book “Test Automation and QTP”.
4th winner is – Jinesh Patel –
QTP Book Winner - Giveaway -"Test Automation and QTP"

And this contest is now over..
Thanks everyone for your participation.

Giveaway Contest – 5 Books – Test Automation and QTP

As we posted earlier, author of book “Test Automation and QTP” has offered 5 copies for our Indian blog readers. To Participate in this giveaway you need to register below (widget at the end of this post).


1. Answer a Question and click YES in below form (10 Points) – Mandatory
2. Like Facebook Page and click YES in below form (5 Points) – Mandatory
3. Follow us on Twitter and enter your twitter handle(username) in below form (3 Points) – Optional
4. Tweet about this giveaway and enter the URL in below form (10 Points) – Optional

Tweet this message (entire text in bold): Giveaway Contest – 5 Books – “Test Automation and QTP” – via @testingconcepts

More points = more chances to win the book.

Contest begins from today 09/07/2012 and will end on 10/11/2012. After Sep 30th,  one winner will be announced in every 10 days till 5 winners are chosen. The announcement dates are 30 Sep, 10 Oct, 20Oct, 30 Oct and 10 Nov. we will choose 5 random entries as winners from the participants/entries with higher points.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Book Review and Giveaway – Test Automation and QTP – by Rajeev Gupta

Here comes another good book on QTP.  Book is  Test Automation and QTP written by Rajeev Gupta.

About the Book:
This book is a one-stop resource that explains all concepts, features and benefits of test automation and QTP with real-time examples. The book has been designed to be a beginner’s guide for new users, a companion guide for experienced users and a reference guide for professionals appearing for interviews or certification exams on test automation and QTP.


  • Describes in detail how to start, execute, maintain and manage a test automation project.
  • Describes the test automation life cycle in detail – need analysis, ROI analysis, tool analysis, framework design, script development and maintenance.
  • Detailed coverage of advanced topics such as smart object identification, object repository design, regular expressions, descriptive programming, recovery scenario and  automation object model.
  • Contains various templates specifically for meeting client requirement

“The book has extensive coverage of wide range topics using QTP with multiple diverse applications like XML, Excel, HTML DOM, ASTARC, email and database. This book could be useful for a beginner’s well as the advanced user of test automation and QTP.”

Chandramouli Seetharaman, CSP testing, Cognizant, Chennai

“This book is an excellent introduction to the concepts and practice of test automation. Starting from the very basics, the author takes the reader through test automation life cycle, metrics, and the details of the implementation… Several appendices provide scripting templates, guidelines, checklists, requirements, and standards. This surely is a must read for managers and test engineers and test engineers who aim at test automation.”

Aditya Mathur, Purdue University, Indiana, USA

“The illustrative approach used to cover the intricacies of QTP as well as the lucid and effective presentation of the material covered will be very useful to the novice as well as advanced learners.”

Dr Prakash Goteti, Subject Matter Expert – Testing, Mahindra Satyam

“This book should be on the desk of every test manager, project manager and test engineer. Rajeev Gupta’s book covers the gamut of test automation, which includes the test automation life cycle, test automation framework, and advanced QTP, and provides insightful, practical suggestions on how to utilize them for successfully test automation. Reading the quick tips in this book will help anyone to overcome any issues in the test automation cycle using QTP.

S. Chandramoulli, PMP Senior Delivery Manager, Cognizant, Chennai

“It’s a great technical book on assurance automation for students and beginners in the IT industry. Great work!”

Kalpesh Paradia, Western Region Delivery Head, retail, TATA Consultancy Services

About Author: Rajeev Gupta has over five years of experience in test automation. He has worked on several multi-national companies automation projects and has been instrumental in setting up and guiding many core technical automation departments.

Click Here to view cover page of the book.You can buy book from Flipkart or from Pearson.

Giveaway: (For Indian Users only)
Author is planning to giveaway 5 books to our readers.  Contest will Begin at 09/07/2012 and Ends on 09/30/2012. After the end date, one winner will be announced in every 10 days till 5 winners are chosen. The announcement dates are 30 Sep, 10 Oct, 20Oct, 30 Oct and 10 Nov. we will choose 5 random entries as winners from the participants/entries with higher points

We will publish a separate post on how to enter this contest. Till then you can like the book Page –

Stay tuned.

— Happy Testing

Webinar: Beyond Software Testing with Agile Team Support in Visual Studio 11 Beta

Event Date: 03/20/2012 02:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Presenter: Matt Nunn, Senior Product Manager for Visual Studio, Microsoft
Visual Studio 11 Beta brings much more to the table than just enhanced testing tools. It introduces a whole new range of agile tool support for all members of the team. Now testers and other team members who do not spend their time writing code (business analysts, product owners, ScrumMasters, agile testers, stakeholders, etc.) can be even more integrated into the process of developing software, from testing requirements to providing feedback, and participating with the whole team from planning to execution.
Experience firsthand the enhanced functionalities included in the Test Professional product including storyboarding, agile team planning and management, and stakeholder feedback. You’ll see Visual Studio 11 Beta’s new exploratory testing tools, enhancements to IntelliTrace, new debugging and diagnostic tools, and tools that ensure developers build the highest quality code possible.

You’ll learn how Visual Studio 11 Beta offers:
– New agile planning and management tooling
– Help closing the agile loop from storyboards to getting stakeholder feedback
– Tools for exploratory testing
– Code review through the My Work pane
– IntelliTrace during development, test, and production
– And how all of this is available either on premise or in the cloud

Visual Studio 11 Beta significantly enhances the capabilities available to testers and other non-development professionals. With its enhanced functionality and improved integration, Visual Studio 11 Beta has everything agile team members have ever wanted.

Click here to register for the webinar

HP Israel [Unified Functional Testing (UFT)] invites Tarun Lalwani for feedback conference

HP Israel [Unified Functional Testing (UFT)] invites Tarun Lalwani for feedback conference

About Tarun [For those who dont know..]

Tarun Lalwani started his carrier with Infosys back in 2004. He has been a protagonist since then in the Test Automation community. He has over 17,000 posts to his credit on various QTP forums. He started a blog,, in 2005, on which he has posted over 100 articles. He has also developed several freeware tools and made them available to the automation community.

He has authored two bestselling books on QTP, And I thought I knew QTP and QuickTest Professional Unplugged. His first book, QuickTest Professional Unplugged, won the best automation book award at the 2nd Annual ATI Automation Honors presented by Automated Testing Institute (ATI).
Tarun has many awards to his name. He was awarded for the best feedback on QTP 11 Beta by HP in June 2010.
HP’s Israel R&D team, which works on its Unified Functional Testing (UFT) — formerly known as QuickTest Professional (QTP) — and Business Process Testing (BPT) products at its Quality Center (QC), recently invited Tarun Lalwani to Israel for a four-day feedback conference.

The conference was organized by HP to gather Tarun’s feedback on its tools, and also to share with him some of the features of its upcoming releases. This was the first time HP had invited any user from outside of Israel for feedback.

During the four days of the conference, Tarun had a series of meetings with different teams within HP, including the QTP/ BPT Dev, QTP Management, QTP QA, QTP documentation and Service Test teams. He also had a chance to meet their Ukraine and China teams over video conference.
The meetings involved discussions on various aspects, including:

  • Likes and dislikes of the user community on the QTP and BPT tools
  • Usability feedback for the QTP and BPT UI and features
  • Requests for new features in QTP and BPT to increase their usability and flexibility
  • Focus of the QTP QA teams on stable releases
  • Improvement of documentation and help to increase usage of help files by users
  • Debugging enhancements required in QTP and BPT
  • Need for new development language support

Tarun presented his points of view on QTP and UFT to HP’s management and made suggestions on how to take UFT to the next level. A few of his sessions were dedicated to listing out ways by which QTP can be improved as a product.
He was also allowed to have a sneak peak at the latest build of HP’s upcoming QTP and BPT releases. A few of the new features in the upcoming UFT release are:

  • New improved IDE with IntelliSense for classes
  • Multiple Document Interface (MDI) features for opening multiple tests within QTP
  • Integration of BPT as well as Service Test into QTP (giving rise to the name, UFT)
  • Insight — an innovative, new image-recognition feature for carrying out image-based automation
  • New canvas for designing test flow

Some of event pictures:

From Left to Right – Rachel, Tarun, Ayal, Avivi, Iris
Meeting with HP Team
Meeting with HP Team
Meeting 2 with HP Team
Meeting 2 with HP Team

Form and structure of test cases MATTER! – Webinar

Effective testing is often the result of good test cases. The “goodness” of test cases is typically associated with the test case contents, and is seen as ensuring high coverage and therefore effective testing.
The objective of this webinar is to highlight that the form and structure of test cases matter significantly to good testing in addition to the test case content. In fact a good form and structure aids generating good content.

Key Benefits:

The form and structure enables –
(1) test cases to be sharply goal focused i.e. what types of defects can uncover
(2) allows a clear assessment of effectiveness of test cases
(3) allows one to select appropriate test cases to optimize execution
(4) allows one to objectively assess the “system health” and finally
(5) enables development of shorter automated scripts enabling easy maintenance

Join the HBT (Hypothesis Based Testing) Series Webinar to learn more. T Ashok, Founder & CEO, STAG Software and Architect of HBT will deliver the webinar.

Click Here to Register for the webinar.