Which test cases to be Automated?

The testing elapsed time can be shortened, therefore leading to a huge saving in terms of time and money. Generally, the ROI begins to appear in the third iteration of automated testing.

High Scoring Test Cases
  • Tests that need to be run for every build of the application (sanity check, regression)
  • Tests that use multiple data values for the same actions (data driven tests)
  • Complex and time consuming tests
  • Tests requiring a great deal of precision
  • Tests involving many simple, repetitive steps
  • Testing needed on multiple combinations of OS, DBMS & Browsers
  • Creation of Data & Test Beds
  • Data grooming
Low Scoring Test Cases
    • Usability testing – “How easy is the application to use?”
    • One-time testing
    • “ASAP” testing – “We need to test NOW!”
    • Ad hoc/random testing – based on intuition and knowledge of application
    • Device Interface testing
    • Batch program testing
    • Back-end testing
– by the author of “Quick 101 on Automation”