This Video is technical and touches on topics such as test automation framework design, hermetic servers, Docker containers, architecture for testability, test environments provisioning, DevOps collaboration, testing when depending on internal and external services, the joys and pitfalls of parallel execution.

Abstract:All automated tests except unit are slow for today’s fast paced, first-to-marked environment. This is the elephant in the room that every Agile practitioner ignores. With slow automated tests you’re just shipping problems to production faster.

At Komfo, we had automated tests running for more than 3 hours every night. The execution time just kept growing unrestricted, and the tests were getting more unstable and unusable as a feedback loop. At one point the continuous integration build for the tests was red for more than 20 days in a row. Regression bugs started to appear undetected in production. We decided to stop this madness and after considerable effort and dedication, currently the same tests run for 3 minutes. This is the story of how we achieved nearly 60x faster tests.

This was accomplished by using Docker containers, hermetic servers, improved architecture, faster provisioning of test environments.
Running all your tests after every code change, in less than 5 minutes will be key differentiator from now on. In 5 years it will be a standard development practice, much like unit tests and CI are considered these days. Start your journey today.

Learn how to do this by applying four steps strategy:

  • Tests should create the data they need.
  • Use dedicated automation testing environment.
  • Simulate dependencies you don’t control.
  • Run in parallel and optimize.

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