Practical Tips to Speed up the Software Delivery Performance

Hey Guys, I just completed the book “Accelerate”. This book will give you enough ideas to improve software delivery performance and how to measure software delivery performance using statistical methods. I would like to share industry proven and practical tips which helps you speed up the Software Delivery Performance.

Accelerate classified the capabilities into 4 categories:

  1. Technology & Automation
  2. Product and Process
  3. Lean Management and Monitoring
  4. Cultural

Technology & Automation capabilities:

  1. Use version control for all production artifacts
  2. Automate the deployment process
  3. Implement continuous integration
  4. Use trunk-based development methods
  5. Implement test automation (tests are run automatically throughout the development)
  6. Support test data management
  7. Shift Left on Security
  8. Implement continuous delivery (CD)
  9. Use a loosely coupled architecture
  10. Architecting for empowered teams

Product and Process Capabilities:

  1. Gather and implement customer feedback
  2. Make the flow of work visible through the value stream
  3. Work in small batches
  4. Foster and enable team experimentation

Lean Management and Monitoring Capabilities:

  1. Have a lightweight change approval processes
  2. Monitor across application and infrastructure to inform business decisions
  3. Check system health proactively
  4. Improve processes and manage work with work-in-process (WIP) limits
  5. Visualize work to monitor quality and communicate throughout the team

Cultural Capabilities:

  1. Support a generative culture (Performance Oriented)
  2. Climate for learning
  3. Collaboration among teams
  4. Provide resources and tools that make work meaningful
  5. Support transformational leadership

In next couple of articles, we will go over these capabilities one by one.

~Happy testing

How to Speed Up Software Development?

Why Is Faster Software Development Important?

Faster software development is important because it saves time and money.

In a business world that is more competitive than ever before, it’s important to be able to develop software as quickly as possible. Today’s software developers need to be able to build out new features for the company’s product or service, and they need to do so quickly. The faster that this can happen, the less time is wasted, which means that companies will be more prepared and have a higher chance of success in this competitive market.

What Practices Will Help You Speed Up Your Software Development?

  1. Shift Left through Automation
  2. Implement CI/CD
  3. Automate as many tasks as possible – coding, data entry, testing, etc.
  4. Make defects visible so they can be fixed early and often – unit testing, nightly builds, etc.
  5. Know what you want before you build it – are requirements clear? does the design make sense? are there risks or side effects we should know about?
  6. Do things in parallel wherever possible – running multiple tests, running multiple code reviews at the same time, etc.
  7. Be responsive to changes in requirements and design from stakeholders and teammates
  8. Limit your work in progress

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5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Conducting Security Testing – Testing Bytes

Security testing is one of the most important aspects of the software development life cycle. It ensures that your application has no security flaws or vulnerabilities. A common misconception is that a good tester will find any bugs and problems in an application. That is not always true.

There are many mistakes you can commit while conducting security testing which may lead to critical consequences such as breaking confidentiality, availability, or integrity.

Here are 5 common security testing mistakes you should avoid:

  1. Not Understanding Your Application’s Functionality
  2. Testing for Security Flaws in Non-Security Features
  3. Ignoring Security Requirements for External APIs
  4. Using Insufficient Resources for Security Testing
  5. Failure to Test After Development Changes

Download android app Software Testing – Full Stack QE / SDET and get the early access.


What are Microservices? Benefits of Using Microservices vs. Monolithic Applications

Microservices are a type of service that is broken down into smaller pieces so that they can be created and managed faster.

  • Microservices are an approach to software development that structures applications as a collection of services. These services typically communicate with each other through RESTful APIs or some other type of application programming interface (API) and can be scaled independently.
  • A microservice architecture is a style of developing software applications as suites of small, independent processes communicating with each other using language-agnostic APIs, typically over HTTP/RESTful protocols. It allows developers to break down their complex applications into smaller pieces, which can be run as independent services.
