Usability Testing Approaches

Usability requirements are not always testable & cannot be measured accurately. Classic non-testable requirement: “System must be user-friendly.” But think about this – User friendly to whom? Who are the users?

Suggested Approaches for Usability Testing:

  1. Qualitative & Quantitative
  2. Qualitative Approach

Qualitative Approach

  • Each and every function should available from all the pages of the site.
  • User should able to submit each and every request with in 4-5 actions.
  • Confirmation message should be displayed for each and every submit.

Quantitative Approach:

  • Heuristic Checklist should be prepared with all the general test cases that fall under the classification of checking.
  • This generic test cases should be given to 10 different people and ask to execute the system to mark the pass/fail status.
  • The average of 10 different people should be considered as the final result.
Example: Some people may feel system is more users friendly, If the submit is button on the left side of the screen. At the same time some other may feel its better if the submit button is placed on the right side.

Measurement in Software Testing – Test Metrics

A software metric is a measure of some property of a piece of software or its specifications.

A metric is a quantitative measure of the degree to which a system, system component, or process possesses a given attribute.
A quality metric is a quantitative measurement of the degree to which an item possesses a given quality attribute.

Generating Test Metrics are the most important responsibility of the Software Test Lead or Manager.

Metrics allow for deeper understanding of the performance of the application and its behaviour. The fine tuning of the application can be enhanced only with metrics. In a typical QA process, there are many metrics which provide information.

The following can be regarded as the fundamental metric:
Functional or Test Coverage Metrics.
Software Release Metrics.
Software Maturity Metrics.
Reliability Metrics.

– Mean Time To First Failure (MTTFF).
– Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF).
– Mean Time To Repair (MTTR).

Must Read – 
Guide to Useful Software Test Metrics
Software Test Metrics – Key metrics and measures for use within the test function [by – Mark Crowther].

References –


Accountable and manageable Exploratory Testing workshop – 5th & 6th Feb, 2011 In Bangalore

Accountable and manageable exploratory testing workshop
2 Days : 5th & 6th Feb, 2011 In Bangalore
Facilitated by Pradeep Soundararajan, Director, Moolya Software Testing Pvt Ltd.

Topic Outline

Exploratory Testing

  • What is it?
  • Cost versus value
  • Styles of Exploratory Testing
  • Free form
  • Partially scripted
  • Chartered

Skills for better testing

  • Questioning
  • Observation
  • Lateral Thinking
  • Logical Thinking
  • Brainstorming
  • Modelling
  • Note taking
  • Bug investigation
  • Bug Reporting & Bug Advocacy
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Reverse Engineering

Heuristics & Oracles

  • Trigger Heuristics
  • Guideword Heuristics
  • Cheat sheet of Heuristics
  • Inconsistency oracles

ET in agile context

  • Choice of Quality Criteria
  • Mission Focus
  • Testing in short cycles & sprints
  • Tests for humans and Checks for Automation
  • Testing when minimum or no documentation or requirements is available

Dealing with bugs

  • Good practices of reporting bugs
  • Investigating bugs
  • Drafting & Publishing bugs

Refresher Exercise

  • Boundary Observations
  • Invisible states exercise
  • Mysterious Spherical Ball
  • Dice exercise
  • Test the trap
  • Questioning Requirements
  • Reverse Engineering
  • Testing Requirements for Lunch
  • Exploratory Testing demonstration
  • Session Based Testing demonstration

Test Management

  • Session Based Testing & Management
  • Test Coverage Assessment & Test Planning

Application focus

  • Web applications
  • Desktop applications
  • Mobile applications (partial)


  • 6000 + taxes
  • Payable through checks / cash
  • 80% money back if not satisfied with the value of the workshop
  • To register email to
  • Call +91 98451 76817 for help


  • Hands on 
  • Instructor facilitated learning
  • Very few slides, so you are safe
  • Exercise based
  • Humorous style

Post training support

  • Unlimited post training support
  • Package of all materials
  • Updates of latest happening
  • Subscription to newsletters
About Moolya

Moolya Software Testing Pvt. Ltd., headquartered in Bangalore, is the new generation testing services company providing services ranging from offshore testing, on-site testing, exploratory testing & consulting to small, medium and large software organizations across the globe. Moolya Testing offerings are wide enough to be brought in at any phase of the project. Be it before going to a demo at a conference, beta testing before going live or throughout the product life cycle. Moolya Testing delivers all testing services to its customers with wider and deeper test coverage.


About Pradeep

Pradeep is an awarded thought leader, renowned author, invited writer and speaker around the world. His consulting stories, test reports, experience reports has fascinated many people across the world. He has consulted for product startups, small & medium size software organizations, and multi billion dollar, euro and pound organizations, too. Pradeep’s Tester Tested! blog is one of the widely influential & read blogs in the industry 
Pradeep’s contribution to testing has been through test education, writing, speaking, test consulting, community development, open source testing, testing skills development, exploratory testing & rapid software testing. He has tested more than a few hundred products, at least half of them were paid projects.
He likes to mention that in past he was fired from a large organization as they considered him as the worst tester they ever hired. He was finding bugs and they couldn’t show 98% test case pass to the senior management.
He is humorous and there have been very few people who have not laughed to his humor 😛


Bug Advocacy – February 13th – March 12, 2011

“The best tester isn’t the one who finds the most bugs or embarrasses the most programmers,” says Dr. Cem Kaner, Professor of Software Engineering at the Florida Institute of Technology. “The best tester is the one who gets the right bugs fixed.”
Finally Bug Advocacy is on the way. 1st class of 2011 will starts from Feb 13, 2011.I would like to suggest to all testers must gone thru this course.
About Bug Advocacy
Bug reports are not just neutral technical reports. They are persuasive documents. The key goal of the bug report author is to provide high-quality information, well written, to help stakeholders make wise decisions about which bugs to fix. Key aspects of the content of this course include:

  • Defining key concepts (such as software error, quality, and the bug processing work-flow)
  • The scope of bug reporting (what to report as bugs, and what information to include)
  • Bug reporting as persuasive writing
  • Bug investigation to discover harsher failures and simpler replication conditions
  • Excuses and reasons for not fixing bugs
  • Making bugs reproducible
  • Lessons from the psychology of decision-making: bug-handling as a multiple-decision process dominated by heuristics and biases.
  • Style and structure of well-written reports
  • Gaining real world experience writing bug reports in a public forum, suitable for presenting at interviews or to an employer.
The video lectures can be find at:

Please help this Tester.

A Request to you ALL !!!!!!!!!!!
Chandrasekhar B N is a 26 year old Software Tester working at Bangalore. He was detected with Blood cancer (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia – with Ph+ve) in October.
Chandrashekar is the sole bread earner in the family. His mother is a housewife and his 21 year old brother is a student, too. Doctors have prescribed chemotherapy and bone marrow transplant at a cost of Rs. 8 lacs for chemotherapy + Rs. 10 lacs for Bone Marrow Transplant. As he is now getting treatment, with no additional income in the family, family members and friends are trying to gather funds for his treatment and daily expenses but are at the end of their resources.

We urge all Testers to donate generously for this purpose. Lets help our fellow community member this Diwali season so that Chandrasekhar can have a Happy New Year.

Please note:
Donations made to CPAA are exempt from Income Tax under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act (50% exemption). Your receipt and tax exemption certificate will be sent to the address given in the CPAA form. Please enter your full postal address where CPAA can mail your 80G Exemption Certificate carefully. Your address will remain with CPAA and will not be shared with any other party.
No donation is small. You can do it online through your VISA/Matecard.
Procrastination might not be a good option. Please click here now.

Alternately, you can also write a cheque or send demand draft in the name “CANCER PATIENTS AID ASSOCIATION ” and mail it to:
Dr. Shubha Maudgal
Executive Director
Cancer Patients Aid Association
Smt. Panadevi Dalmia Cancer Management Centre
King George V Memorial, Dr. E. Moses Road,
Mahalakshmi, Mumbai – 400 011
Tel: +91 22 2492 4000 / 2492 8775 Fax: +91 22 2497 3599
Please Note: Write the patients name on the back of the cheque.

Other support you can provide:01. Pass this information to atleast 5 more testers you know.
02. If your organization wishes to donate please write to
03. Write to us if you have any other ideas of generating funds
04. Write to us if you know anyone who can help reduce the cost of treatment
Thank you for your time.
Originally posted at:

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