“The best tester isn’t the one who finds the most bugs or embarrasses the most programmers,” says Dr. Cem Kaner, Professor of Software Engineering at the Florida Institute of Technology. “The best tester is the one who gets the right bugs fixed.”
Finally Bug Advocacy is on the way. 1st class of 2011 will starts from Feb 13, 2011.I would like to suggest to all testers must gone thru this course.
About Bug Advocacy
Bug reports are not just neutral technical reports. They are persuasive documents. The key goal of the bug report author is to provide high-quality information, well written, to help stakeholders make wise decisions about which bugs to fix. Key aspects of the content of this course include:

  • Defining key concepts (such as software error, quality, and the bug processing work-flow)
  • The scope of bug reporting (what to report as bugs, and what information to include)
  • Bug reporting as persuasive writing
  • Bug investigation to discover harsher failures and simpler replication conditions
  • Excuses and reasons for not fixing bugs
  • Making bugs reproducible
  • Lessons from the psychology of decision-making: bug-handling as a multiple-decision process dominated by heuristics and biases.
  • Style and structure of well-written reports
  • Gaining real world experience writing bug reports in a public forum, suitable for presenting at interviews or to an employer.
The video lectures can be find at: http://www.viddler.com/explore/testingtruck/videos/2/