Selecting a Software testing Tool | Testing Tools Evaluations

One of the challenging job for Test Managers and Test Architects is to select a testing tool. Choosing an automated software testing tool is an important step, and one which often poses enterprise-wide implications. Here are several key issues, which should be addressed when selecting an application testing solution. Below are some basic guidelines for selecting and evaluating Software Testing tools for different phases:
Test Planning and Management –
A robust testing tool should have the capability to manage the testing process, provide organization for testing components, and create meaningful end-user and management reports. It should also allow users to include non-automated testing procedures within automated test plans and test results. A robust tool will allow users to integrate existing test results into an automated test plan. Finally, an automated test should be able to link business requirements to test results, allowing users to evaluate application readiness based upon the application’s ability to support the business requirements.

Testing Product Integration –
Testing tools should provide tightly integrated modules that support test component reusability. Test components built for performing functional tests should also support other types of testing including regression and load/stress testing. All products within the testing product environment should be based upon a common, easy-to-understand language. User training and experience gained in performing one testing task should be transferable to other testing tasks. Also, the architecture of the testing tool environment should be open to support interaction with other technologies such as defect or bug tracking packages.

Internet/Intranet Testing –
A good tool will have the ability to support testing within the scope of a web browser. The tests created for testing Internet or intranet-based applications should be portable across browsers, and should automatically adjust for different load times and performance levels.

Ease of Use –
Testing tools should be engineered to be usable by non-programmers and application end-users. With much of the testing responsibility shifting from the development staff to the departmental level, a testing tool that requires programming skills is unusable by most organizations. Even if programmers are responsible for testing, the testing tool itself should have a short learning curve.

GUI and Client/Server Testing –
A robust testing tool should support testing with a variety of user interfaces and create simple-to manage, easy-to-modify tests. Test component re-usability should be a cornerstone of the product architecture.

Load and Performance Testing –
The selected testing solution should allow users to perform meaningful load and performance tests to accurately measure system performance. It should also provide test results in an easy-to-understand reporting format.

Methodologies and Services –
For those situations that require outside expertise, the testing tool vendor should be able to provide extensive consulting, implementation, training, and assessment services. The test tools should also support a structured testing methodology.

Security Testing – Secure Software Development Lifecycle

Phase 1: Define Security Guidelines, Rules and Compliance Regulations
First, create a system-wide specification that defines the security requirements that apply to the system; it can be based on specific government regulations. One such company-wide regulation could be the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, which contains specific security requirements.

Phase 2: Document Security Requirements, Develop Attack Use Cases
A common mistake is to omit security requirements from any type of requirements documentation. Not only do security requirements aid in software design, implementation and test case development, they also can help determine technology choices and areas of risk.
Phase 3: Perform Architectural and Design Reviews; Identify and Define Threat Models
Security practitioners need a solid understanding of the product’s architecture and design so that they can devise better and more complete security strategies, plans, designs, procedures and techniques. Early security team involvement can prevent insecure architectures and low-security designs, as well as help eliminate confusion about the application’s behavior later in the project life cycle.

Phase 4: Use Secure Coding Guidelines; Differentiate Between Design and Implementation Vulnerabilities
To understand how vulnerabilities get into all software, the developer must learn how to prevent them from sneaking into programs and must be able to differentiate design versus implementation vulnerabilities.
A design vulnerability is a flaw in the design that precludes overflows, and their output can help developers learn to prevent the errors in the first place.

Phase 5:Black-,White- And Gray-Box Testing
Black-, white- and gray-box testing refer to the perspective of the tester when designing test cases—black from outside with no visibility into the application under test, white from inside with total source code visibility, and gray with access to source code and the ability to seed target data and build specific tests for specific results.

Phase 6: Determine the Exploitability of Your Vulnerabilities
Ideally, every vulnerability discovered in the testing phase of the SSDL can be easily fixed. But depending on the cause, whether a design or implementation error, the effort required to address it can vary widely.
Determining a vulnerability’s exploitability involves weighing five factors:
• The access or positioning required by the attacker to attempt exploitation
• The level of access or privilege yielded by successful exploitation
• The time or work factor required to exploit the vulnerability
• The exploit’s potential reliability
• The repeatability of exploit attempts

To determine exploitability, the risks of each vulnerability are used to prioritize, comparing them against each other; then, based on risk and priority, to address the vulnerabilities and other development tasks (such as new features).

This is also the phase in which you can manage external vulnerability reports.

Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SSDL) was introduced by Elfriede Dustin in 2006.

Unit Testing – Points to take care

White box testers, Unit Testers, Development Teams usually heard these  words from managers – “After performing unit testing Why manual testing team still finding critical bugs? Why you are not performing Unit Testing?”
Actual – They perform unit testing but not standard unit testing. When writing the unit test consider the following when looking for things to test:
Does the piece of code functionally perform the task it is designed to do?
What are the minimum, maximum values for the function, will the function accept strange characters, reserved SQL characters, alpha and numeric values? What happens if they are not within these boundaries?
What happens in the normal termination of the function? What about an abnormal termination of the function? Will the application continue or will an error occur. Is the error trapped?

What are the expected outputs of the function? Where do they go, what else uses them, what happens if the output is nothing? What happens if the output cannot be passed to the next function? i.e. The database was unavailable when attempting to write to it.
Algorithms and Computations
Do all the algorithms and computations work, what happens if the wrong values are passed to them, are the variables stored as correct types i.e. will the result exceed 32267 (integer).
What are the expected inputs to the function? Where do they come from? What happens if they do not get passed in? What happens if they are the wrong type? i.e. an alpha instead of a numeric. Do they rely on any third party application?
What other modules/functions does this interact with? Will those be effected by the change?
What type of transactions will occur? What will happen if a single transaction fails, is interrupted or succeeds? Are the transactions event driven, system initiated, user driven, or time driven?

Related Posts:
1. Unit Testing Framework – An introduction
2. Testing with Visual Studio Team System – Static Code Analyzer | Code Profiler | Unit Testing

The Testing Mindset

.. Continuing the Beginners Guide to Software Testing series

A professional tester approaches a product with the mind-set that the product is already broken – it has bugs and it is their job to find out them. They suppose the application under test is inherently defective and it is their job to ‘illuminate’ the defects.

This methodology/approach is required in testing.

Designers and developers approach software with an optimism based on the guess/assumption that the changes they make are the accurate solution to a particular problem. But they are just that – assumptions.
Without being proved they are no more correct than guesses. Developers often neglect primary ambiguities in specification documents in order to complete the project; or they fail to identify them when they see them. Those ambiguities are then built into the code and represent a bug when compared to the end-user’s needs.
By taking a skeptical approach, the tester offers a balance.

A Good Professional tester:

  • Takes nothing at face value.
  • Always asks the question “why?”
  • Seek to drive out certainty where there is none.
  • Seek to illuminate the darker part of the projects with the light of inquiry.

Sometimes this attitude can bring argument with Development Team. But development team can be testers too! If they can accept and adopt this state of mind for a certain portion of the project, they can offer excellent quality in the project and reduce cost of the project.
Identifying the need for Testing Mindset is the first step towards a successful test approach and strategy.

Must Read – Testing ISN’T About Learning. It is About Thinking.

Practical Test Reporting

Practical Test Reporting

It is very likely you‘ll meet a lot of opposition when you give opinions like ‘this is not good enough to go live’. In test reporting it is strongly recommended to stick to the facts. Do test reporting periodically (e.g. every 2 weeks). This will give valuable information to other project parties. It is said that a software project is like driving on a long, dark road and testing provides the headlights. It is very likely that testing is the only party in the project organisation that has a clear view on the real progress of the project. Share this knowledge!

You might consider these chapters in your Test Report:
Progress reporting
Here you give a view on the statuses of the different test levels / sub projects for the entire project (helicopter view)

This includes:
– Status of Test preparation

  • – Progress of test preparation
  • – Number of tests per Sub Project

– Status Test execution: Here you can show progress by giving percentages and figures regarding:

  • the number of tests that have been executed
  • The number of executed tests that have passed or failed the test

If you use the this method method you’ll have this already in the Project View. Other test management tools all have similar views (See details in Testing Project View.xls ).

Download Testing Project View.xls (password: osst)

Defects reporting
Here you can see the status of the reported bugs
– Open defects for the different Sub Projects
– Total open defects per priority
– Total open defects per detail status (reported, ready to test, accepted)

If you use the this method you’ll find a summary of the reported defect statuses for every SubProject. At the same time you’ll find the number of ‘Show stoppers’.

Refer Project_view_test_execution_example.xls (password: osst) for above templates.

If you like more detail in the Project View.xls on the other priority statuses (Major, Minor, Nice to have), just add them to the Project View.

Workload estimates

Here you can give an estimate on the workload that is to be expected for testing in a certain period ahead (e.g. 2 weeks)
This can help you to define the risk of not having enough time to test before going live

– Issues you can include
– Workload for test preparation and review activities
– Workload for test execution

This is a summary of all the issues that can slow down / obstruct the progress of testing.
This might include:
– a planning that is to tightly (e.g. not enough time reserved for testing)
– lack of information (e.g. analysis documents not delivered on time)
– people not available (e.g. illness of key tester, no testers found, …)
– Later than planned delivery of the application by IT

Golden Rules for Bug Reporting

Read these simple golden rules for bug reporting. They are based on years of practical testing experience and solid theory.
Make one change request for every bug
– This will enable you to keep count of the number of bugs in the application
– You’ll be able to give a priority on every bug separately
– You’ll be able to test each resolved bug apart (and prevent having requests that are only resolved half)

Give step by step description of the problem:
E.g. “- I entered the Client page
– I performed a search on ‘Google’
– In the Result page 2 clients were displayed with ‘Google’ in their name
– I clicked on the second one
—> The application returned a server error”

Explain the problem in plain language:
– Developers / re-testers don’t necessarily have business knowledge
– Don’t use business terminology

Be concrete
– Errors usually don’t appear for every case you test
– What is the difference between this case (that failed) and other cases (that didn’t fail)?

Give a clear explanation on the circumstances where the bug appeared
– Give concrete information (field names, numbers, names,…)

If a result is not as expected, indicate what is expected exactly
– Not OK : ‘The message given in this screen is not correct”
– OK: ‘The message that appears in the Client screen when entering a wrong Client number is “enter client number”
– This should be: “Enter a valid client number please”

Explain why (in your opinion) the request is a “show stopper”
– Don’t expect other contributors to the project always know what is important
– If you now a certain bug is critical, explain why!

Last but not least: don’t forget to use screen shots!
– One picture says more than 1000 words
– Use advanced toold like SnagIt (

When testers follow these rules, it will be a real time and money saver for your project ! Don’t expect the testers to know this by themselves. Explain these rules to them and give feedback when they do bad bug reporting!