Types of Software errors and bugs | Most Common Software bugs

by Padmini C (Author of Beginners guide to Software Testing)

Following are the most common software errors that aid you in software testing. This helps you to identify errors systematically and increases the efficiency and productivity of software testing. This topic surely helps in finding more bugs more effectively 🙂 . Also, you can use this as a checklist while preparing test cases and while performing testing.

Types of errors with examples:
User Interface Errors: Missing/Wrong Functions, Doesn’t do what the user expects, Missing information, Misleading, Confusing information, Wrong content in Help text, Inappropriate error messages. Performance issues – Poor responsiveness, Can’t redirect output, inappropriate use of key board.

Error Handling: Inadequate – protection against corrupted data, tests of user input, version control; Ignores – overflow, data comparison, Error recovery – aborting errors, recovery from hardware problems.

Boundary related errors: Boundaries in loop, space, time, memory, mishandling of cases outside boundary.

Calculation errors: Bad Logic, Bad Arithmetic, Outdated constants, Calculation errors, Incorrect conversion from one data representation to another, Wrong formula, Incorrect approximation.

Initial and Later states: Failure to – set data item to zero, to initialize a loop-control variable, or re-initialize a pointer, to clear a string or flag, Incorrect initialization.

Control flow errors: Wrong returning state assumed, Exception handling based exits, Stack underflow/overflow, Failure to block or un-block interrupts, Comparison sometimes yields wrong result, Missing/wrong default, Data Type errors.

Errors in Handling or Interpreting Data: Un-terminated null strings, Overwriting a file after an error exit or user abort.

Race Conditions: Assumption that one event or task finished before another begins, Resource races, Tasks starts before its prerequisites are met, Messages cross or don’t arrive in the order sent.

Load Conditions: Required resources are not available, No available large memory area, Low priority tasks not put off, Doesn’t erase old files from mass storage, Doesn’t return unused memory.

Hardware: Wrong Device, Device unavailable, Underutilizing device intelligence, Misunderstood status or return code, Wrong operation or instruction codes.

Source, Version and ID Control: No Title or version ID, Failure to update multiple copies of data or program files.

Testing Errors: Failure to notice/report a problem, Failure to use the most promising test case, Corrupted data files, Misinterpreted specifications or documentation, Failure to make it clear how to reproduce the problem, Failure to check for unresolved problems just before release, Failure to verify fixes, Failure to provide summary report.

Measuring Software test effectiveness

The main objectives of testing are to establish confidence and to find defects. This article describes some measures for test effectiveness.
Defect Detection Percentage (DDP)
DPP = Defects known by testing/Total Known Defects
Whenever a piece of software is written, defects are inserted during development. The more effective the testing is in finding those defects, the fewer will escape into operation. For example, if 100 defects have been built into the software, and our testing only finds 50, then its DDP is 50%. If we had found 80 defects, we would have a DDP of 80%; if we had found only 35, our DDP would only have been 35%. Thus it is the escapes, those defects that escaped detection, which determine the quality of the detection process.
Although we may never know the complete total of defects inserted, this measure is a very useful one, both for monitoring the testing process and for predicting future effort.

The basic definition of the Defect Detection Percentage is the number of defects found by testing, divided by the total known defects. Note that the total known defects consists of the number of defects found by (this) testing plus the total number of defects found afterwards. The scope of the testing represented in this definition may be a test phase such as system testing or beta testing, testing for a specific functional area, testing of a given project, or any other testing aspect which it is useful to monitor.

The total known defects found so far is a number that can only increase as time goes on, so the DDP computed will always go down over time.

DDP at different test stages or application areas DDP can be measured at different stages of software development and for different types of testing:

  • Unit testing: Because testing at this stage is usually fairly informal, the best option is for each individual developer to track his or her own DDP, as a way to improve personal professionalism, as recommended by Humphreys (1997).
  • Link, integration, or system testing: The point at which software is turned over to a more formal process is normally the earliest practical point to measure DDP.
  • Different application areas, such as functional areas, major subsystems, or commercial products. The DDP would not be the same over all groups, as they may have different test objectives, but over time this can help the test manager to plan the best value testing within limited constraints.
  • DDP of early defect detection activities such as early test design and reviews or inspections. Early test design (the V-model) can find defects when they are much cheaper to fix, as can reviews and inspections. Knowing the DDP of these early activities as well as the test execution DDP can help the test manager to find the most cost effective mix of defect detection activities
HP WinRunner exam HP0-M12 sample questions

HP WinRunner exam HP0-M12 sample questions

HP WinRunner exam HP0-M12 sample questions. These questions will definitely help you is passing the exam with good score.

QUESTION: 1 Exhibit:
HP Winrunner Certification Practice exam

You want to synchronize on the Status Bar with the text “Insert Done… “. Which TSL statement would meet this requirement?

A. wait(10);
B. obj_check_gui(“Insert Done…”, “list1.ckl”, “gui1”, 16);
C. obj_wait_info(“Insert Done…”,”label”,”Insert Done…”,10);
D. obj_check_info(“Insert Done…”,”label”,”Insert Done…”,10);
Answer: C

How do you specify a 15-second timeout in the global timeout settings?
A. 15
B. 150
C. 1500
D. 15000
Answer: D
2 HP Winrunner Certification Practice exam
Which method should you use to synchronize the application after logging in?
A. wait for a bitmap to refresh
B. wait for a window to appear
C. wait for an object state change
D. wait for a process screen to complete
Answer: B
You are testing a banking application. At 8 AM an employee logs in successfully and it takes about 5 seconds for the main menu window to appear. At 9 AM it takes approximately 15 seconds for the main menu window to appear after login. If you were to incorporate this time difference in a script, which WinRunner feature would you use so that the script runs successfully despite the difference in time for the main menu window to appear?
A. Verify
B. Data drive
C. Synchronize
D. Parameterize
Answer: C
Which synchronization statement is automatically generated during recording?
A. win_activate(“Flight Reservation”);
B. set_window (“Flight Reservation 10”);
C. obj_wait_bitmap(“Flights”,”Img2″,6,7,8,101,114);
D. obj_wait_info(“Insert Done…”,”label”,”Insert Done…”,10);
Answer: B
The process for building a functional WinRunner script goes through four steps. What are these steps? (Select four.)
A. plan the test
B. synchronize
C. record steps
D. parameterize
E. add verification
F. analyze results
G. execute the test
Answer: B, C, E, G
A test script contains both Context Sensitive and Analog recording. The script keeps failing on the window where the Analog recording is played back. Which function can you include in your script to ensure that windows and objects are in the same locations as when the test was recorded?
A. win_move function
B. GUI_load function
C. invoke_app function
D. set_window function
Answer: A
In which file does WinRunner store user actions on the application under test captured during recording?
A. lock
B. script
C. chklist
D. debug
Answer: B
During recording, WinRunner “listens” to the actions a user performs on the application (and to the response from the server) and creates a log of these steps. Which language does WinRunner use to create these steps in a script?
A. C Language
B. VBScript Language
C. Test Script Language
D. Virtual User Language
Answer: C
What is the default recording mode that WinRunner uses?
A. Analog
B. Low-level
C. Standard / Default
D. Context Sensitive
Answer: D
In a test, you have to record both in Context Sensitive and Analog modes. Which method should you use to switch recording from Analog back to Context Sensitive without capturing the mouse movements in the test script?
A. Toolbar
B. Softkey
C. Menu command
D. Right click (popup menu)
Answer: B
What does the function move_locator_track( ) represent?
A. a mouse over
B. a mouse click
C. a keyboard entry
D. a function key press
Answer: A
The test lead wants a copy of the WinRunner script you created. To provide him with a workable copy, which file or files do you need to supply? Assume that the name of the test is Test1A under which the following files and folders are included: lock, script, chklist, db, debug, exp, res1.
A. Script.zip
B. Test1A.zip
C. Script, db, exp, res1 in a zip file
D. Lock, script, chklist, and db in a zip file
Answer: B
What is referred to as a WinRunner script that is used to initialize the working environment, including UI_load( ) and GUI_close_all( ) statements before test scripts are run?
A. Loader script
B. Startup script
C. Function Library
D. Function Generator
Answer: B
Upon invoking WinRunner, which feature lists the types of applications you can test?
A. Add-In Manager
B. RapidTest Wizard
C. DataTable Wizard
D. Recovery Scenario
Answer: A
QUESTION: 16 A test run fails because of an unrecognized object. You want to compare the actual object properties to the properties stored in the GUI Map file. Which WinRunner feature compares the actual object properties versus the properties in the GUI Map and provides a possible reason for the error?
A. GUI Spy
B. Data Driver Wizard
C. Run Wizard
D. Virtual Object Wizard
E. RapidTest Script Wizard
Answer: C
3 HP Winrunner Certification Practice exam
The application under test has a new Login window. The objects need to be added to the GUI Map file. What is the best way to add these items in the GUI Map file?
A. use the GUI Map Wizard
B. use the Learn feature to learn each button
C. use the Add feature to add each button separately
D. use the Learn feature to learn all objects in the Login window
Answer: D
How does WinRunner set up the GUI Map file for a new test?
A. WinRunner automatically executes a GUI_load statement.
B. WinRunner automatically loads the last opened GUI Map file.
C. WinRunner automatically creates a new GUI Map file for the test.
D. WinRunner automatically loads a shared GUI Map file it recognizes.
Answer: C
If you want to save your recovery function, where is the best location to save the recovery for every test in your project?
A. Paste the recovery function in each test.
B. Add the recovery function in the startup script.
C. Add the recovery function in the function generator.
D. The recovery manager saves its own recovery function.
Answer: B
Which main components must be present in a simple and compound recovery scenario? (Select two.)
A. an event
B. an exit function
C. unknown object
D. recovery operation
E. post-recovery operation
Answer: A, D

Step by Step guide to Test Case Development

Step by Step guide to Test Case Development

 .. Continuing the Beginners Guide to Software Testing series
est Case is a commonly used term for a specific test. This is usually the smallest unit of testing. A Test Case will consist of information such as requirements testing, test steps, verification steps, prerequisites, outputs, test environment, etc.

A Test Case is:
– A set of inputs, execution preconditions, and expected outcomes developed for a particular objective, such as to exercise a particular program path or to verify compliance with a specific requirement.

– A detailed procedure that fully tests a feature or an aspect of a feature. Whereas the test plan describes what to test, a test case describes how to perform a particular test. You need to develop a test case for each test listed in the test plan.

Test cases should be written by a team member who understands the function or technology being tested, and each test case should be submitted for peer review.

Organizations take a variety of approaches to documenting test cases; these range from developing detailed, recipe-like steps to writing general descriptions. In detailed test cases, the steps describe exactly how to perform the test. In descriptive test cases, the tester decides at the time of the test how to perform the test and what data to use.

Detailed test cases are recommended to test a software because determining pass or fail criteria is usually easier with this type of case. In addition, detailed test cases are reproducible and are easier to automate than descriptive test cases. This is particularly important if you plan to compare the results of tests over time, such as when you are optimizing configurations. Detailed test cases are more time-consuming to develop and maintain. On the other hand, test cases that are open to interpretation are not repeatable and can require debugging, consuming time that would be better spent on testing.

When planning your tests, remember that it is not feasible to test everything. Instead of trying to test every combination, prioritize your testing so that you perform the most important tests — those that focus on areas that present the greatest risk or have the greatest probability of occurring — first.

Once the Test Lead prepared the Test Plan, the role of individual testers will start from the preparation of Test Cases for each level in the Software Testing like Unit Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing and User Acceptance Testing and for each Module.

General Guidelines to Prepare Test Cases

As a tester, the best way to determine the compliance of the software to requirements is by designing effective test cases that provide a thorough test of a unit. Various test case design techniques enable the testers to develop effective test cases. Besides, implementing the design techniques, every tester needs to keep in mind general guidelines that will aid in test case design: 

a. The purpose of each test case is to run the test in the simplest way possible. [Suitable techniques – Specification derived tests, Equivalence partitioning]
b. Concentrate initially on positive testing i.e. the test case should show that the software does what it is intended to do. [Suitable techniques – Specification derived tests, Equivalence partitioning, State-transition testing]
c. Existing test cases should be enhanced and further test cases should be designed to show that the software does not do anything that it is not specified to do i.e. Negative Testing [Suitable techniques – Error guessing, Boundary value analysis, Internal boundary value testing, State transition testing]
d. Where appropriate, test cases should be designed to address issues such as performance, safety requirements and security requirements [Suitable techniques – Specification derived tests]
e. Further test cases can then be added to the unit test specification to achieve specific test coverage objectives. Once coverage tests have been designed, the test procedure can be developed and the tests executed [Suitable techniques – Branch testing, Condition testing, Data definition-use testing, State-transition testing]

Test Case Template

To prepare these Test Cases each organization uses their own standard template, an ideal template is providing below to prepare Test Cases.
Common Columns in Test cases that are present in all Test case formats

Fig 1: Common Columns in Test cases that are present in all Test case formats

Low Level Test Case format

Fig 2: A very details Low Level Test Case format

The Name of this Test Case Document itself follows some name convention like below so that by seeing the name we can identify the Project Name and Version Number and Date of Release.

DTC_Functionality Name_Project Name_Ver No

DTC – Detailed Test Case
Functionality Name: For which the test cases is developed
Project Name: Name of the Project
Ver No: Version number of Software
(You can add Release Date also)

The bolded words should be replaced with the actual Project Name, Version Number and Release Date. For eg. Bugzilla Test Cases 01_12_04

On the Top-Left Corner we have company emblem and we will fill the details like Project ID, Project Name, Author of Test Cases, Version Number, Date of Creation and Date of Release in this Template.

And we will maintain the fields Test Case ID, Requirement Number, Version Number, Type of Test Case, Test Case Name, Action, Expected Result, Cycle#1, Cycle #2, Cycle#3, Cycle#4 for each Test Case. Again this Cycle is divided into Actual Result, Status, Bug ID and Remarks.

Test Case ID:
To Design the Test Case ID also we are following a standard: If a test case belongs to application not specifically related to a particular Module then we will start them as TC001, if we are expecting more than one expected result for the same test case then we will name it as TC001.1. If a test case is related to Module then we will name it as M01TC001, and if a module is having a sub-module then we name that as M01SM01TC001. So that we can easily identify to which Module and which sub-module it belongs to. And one more advantage of this convention is we can easily add new test cases without changing all Test Case Number so it is limited to that module only.

Requirement Number:
It gives the reference of Requirement Number in SRS/FRD for Test Case. For Test Case we will specify to which Requirement it belongs to. The advantage of maintaining this one here in Test Case Document is in future if a requirement will get change then we can easily estimate how many test cases will affect if we change the corresponding Requirement.

Version Number:

Under this column we will specify the Version Number, in which that particular test case was introduced. So that we can identify finally how many Test Cases are there for each Version.

Type of Test Case:
It provides the List of different type of Test Cases like GUI, Functionality, Regression, Security, System, User Acceptance, Load, Performance etc., which are included in the Test Plan. So while designing Test Cases we can select one of this option. The main objective of this column is we can predict totally how many GUI or Functionality test cases are there in each Module. Based on this we can estimate the resources.

Test Case Name:

This gives more specific name like particular Button or text box name, for which that particular Test Case belongs to. I mean to say we will specify the Object name for which it belongs to. For eg., OK button, Login form.

Action (Input):

This is very important part in Test Case because it gives the clear picture what you are doing on the specific object. We can say the navigation for this Test Case. Based the steps we have written here we will perform the operations on the actual application.

Expected Result:

This is the result of the above action. It specifies what the specification or user expects from that particular action. It should be clear and for each expectation we will sub-divide that Test Case. So that we can specify pass or fail criteria for each expectation.

Up to the above steps we will prepare the Test Case Document before seeing the actual application and based on System Requirement Specification/Functional Requirement Document and Use Cases. After that we will send this document to the concerned Test Lead for approval. He will review this document for coverage of all user Requirements in the Test Cases. After that he approved the Document.

Now we are ready for testing with this Document and we will wait for the Actual Application. Now we will use the Cycle #1 parts.

Under each Cycle#1 we are having Actual, Status, Bug ID and Remarks.

Number of Cycles is based on the Organization. Some organizations document Three Cycles some organizations maintain the information for Four Cycles.
But here I provided only one Cycle in this Template but you have to add more cycles based on your requirement.


We will test the actual application against each Test Case and if it matches the Expected result then we will say it as “As Expected” else we will write the actually what happened after doing those action.

It simply indicates Pass or Fail status of that particular Test Case. If Actual and Expected both mismatch then the Status is Fail else it is Pass. For Passed Test Cases Bug ID should be null and for failed Test Cases Bug ID should be Bug ID in the Bug Report corresponding to that Test Case.

Bug ID:

This is gives the reference of Bug Number in Bug Report. So that Developer/Tester can easily identify the Bug associated with that Test Case.


This part is optional. This is used for some extra information.

Test Design Techniques

The purpose of test design techniques is to identify test conditions and test scenarios through which effective and efficient test cases can be written.Using test design techniques is a best approach rather the test cases picking out of the air. Test design techniques help in achieving high test coverage. In this post, we will discuss the following:
1. Black Box Test Design Techniques

  • Specification Based
  • Experience Based

2. White-box or Structural Test design techniques

Black-box testing techniques

These includes specification-based and experienced-based techniques. These use external descriptions of the software, including specifications, requirements, and design to derive test cases. These tests can be functional or non-functional, though usually functional. Tester needs not to have any knowledge of internal structure or code of software under test.
Specification-based techniques:

  • Equivalence partitioning
  • Boundary value analysis
  • Use case testing
  • Decision tables
  • Cause-effect graph
  • State transition testing
  • Classification tree method
  • Pair-wise testing

From ISTQB Syllabus:
Common features of specification-based techniques:

  • Models, either formal or informal, are used for the specification of the problem to be solved, the software or its components.
  • From these models test cases can be derived systematically.

Experienced-based techniques:

  • Error Guessing
  • Exploratory Testing

Read Unscripted testing Approaches for the above.

From ISTQB Syllabus:
Common features of experience-based techniques:

  • The knowledge and experience of people are used to derive the test cases.
  • Knowledge of testers, developers, users and other stakeholders about the software, its
    usage and its environment.
  • Knowledge about likely defects and their distribution.


White-box techniques

Also referred as structure-based techniques. These are based on the internal structure of the component. Tester must have knowledge of internal structure or code of software under test.
Structural or structure-based techniques includes:

  • Statement testing
  • Condition testing
  • LCSAJ (loop testing)
  • Path testing
  • Decision testing/branch testing

From ISTQB Syllabus:
Common features of structure-based techniques:

  • Information about how the software is constructed is used to derive the test cases, for example, code and design.
  • The extent of coverage of the software can be measured for existing test cases, and further test cases can be derived systematically to increase coverage.