Automating everything is not a silver bullet (a conversation between a development manager and a tester).

(a conversation between a development manager and a tester).

Once there was a Software Development Manager named John who worked at a software company. John was heading both Development and Quality Engineering Teams. John believed that using test automation was a powerful tool and he always encouraged his team to automate as many tests as possible. He thought that automating everything was the best way to achieve full testing coverage, catch any bugs, and provide the best possible software for customers.


One day, John called in his Software Tester, Sarah, “Hey Sarah, we need to improve our test coverage for the upcoming release, and the best way to do that is to automate as much as possible,” John said enthusiastically. “I want you and your team to focus on automating every possible test case.”


Sarah replied, “John, we’ve tried automating everything before, but it’s not always practical. Automating every test case takes a lot of time and effort, and there are some tests that just can’t be automated.”


John was persistent, “We can’t afford to leave anything to chance. Automating everything will make sure that we catch any issues before they make it to production. I want to make sure that our customers receive high-quality software every time.”

Sarah and her team set out to automate every possible test case, but they soon realized that it wasn’t as simple as John had made it seem. They encountered many issues along the way, including long execution times, maintenance issues, and a high number of false positives. Despite their efforts, they found that they were still leaking bugs to production.


The bugs which were leaked to production were not straightforward ones. There were complex scenarios and edge cases that the team had not considered. For example, they had automated the basic checkout process, but had missed some specific edge cases that occurred only in certain rare circumstances, such as when a user entered an invalid coupon code or when they tried to use a special discount code that had already expired. These scenarios were not accounted for in the automated tests, and they ended up leaking to production.


Sarah called for a meeting with John to discuss their findings. “John, we’ve automated everything, but we’re still leaking bugs to production. The cost of automating everything was too high, and it didn’t give us the results we were looking for. We need to find a balance between automation and manual testing to make sure that we catch all the bugs.”


John listened to Sarah’s concerns and finally realized that automation couldn’t solve all their problems. “Sarah, you’re right. I see now that automating everything is not the answer”


The team went back to the drawing board and developed a plan that included a mix of manual and automated testing. They focused on automating the most critical test cases while leaving some of the less important ones for manual testing. They also introduced exploratory testing and adhoc testing for edge cases and complex scenarios, where human intelligence and creativity are required to identify and uncover potential issues.


This approach allowed them to catch more bugs while also reducing the overall cost of testing. They were able to detect edge cases and complex scenarios that they had missed before and found that the human testers were better at identifying these issues than automation.


In the end, the team delivered a successful release that met all the quality standards, and John learned a valuable lesson about the limits of test automation. The moral of the story is that while test automation is an important tool, it’s not a silver bullet that can solve all testing problems. A balanced approach that incorporates both automation and manual testing is the key to delivering high-quality software. Automation can handle regression cases and straightforward scenarios, while exploratory and adhoc testing is required for complex scenarios and edge cases.

Mastering the Art of Test Case Writing for Software Testers

Test case writing is a crucial aspect of software testing, as it ensures that a product is thoroughly tested and any bugs are detected before release. A well-written test case should be clear, concise, and easy to understand, making it simple for testers to follow and execute.

To write an effective test case, there are several important elements to consider. First, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of the requirements and objectives of the software being tested. This will ensure that the test case is written to cover all necessary scenarios and will help in detecting potential bugs.

Next, it’s important to determine the test case’s objective or the expected outcome. This could include testing specific functionality, validating inputs and outputs, or checking for compliance with industry standards.

When writing the test case, it’s also essential to include specific steps for the tester to follow. These steps should be detailed and easy to understand, and should include any inputs or expected outputs. Additionally, it’s important to include any prerequisites or dependencies that must be met before the test case can be executed.

Here are the key characteristics of effective test cases:

  1. Clarity and simplicity: Effective test cases should be clear, concise, and easy to understand, making it simple for testers to follow and execute.
  2. Comprehensive coverage: Test cases should cover all necessary scenarios and requirements, ensuring thorough testing and bug detection.
  3. Specific objectives: Test cases should have specific objectives, such as testing specific functionality, validating inputs and outputs, or checking for compliance with industry standards.
  4. Detailed steps: Test cases should include detailed steps for the tester to follow, with clear inputs and expected outputs.
  5. Relevance: Test cases should be relevant to the software being tested, and not generic or irrelevant.
  6. Repeatability: Test cases should be written in such a way that they can be easily repeated, ensuring consistent results.
  7. Traceability: Test cases should be traceable back to the requirements or objectives of the software, allowing for easy tracking and reporting of test results.
  8. Maintainability: Effective test cases should be easily maintainable, allowing for updates and changes as needed.

Examples of test cases for a login feature in a software application may include:

Test Case: Verify that a user can successfully log in with a valid username and password

  • Objective: To verify that the login feature is working correctly
  • Steps:
    1. Open the login page
    2. Enter a valid username and password
    3. Click on the login button
    4. Verify that the user is directed to the home page
  • Expected Result: The user should be successfully logged in and directed to the home page

Test Case: Verify that an error message is displayed when an incorrect password is entered

  • Objective: To verify that the login feature is handling invalid credentials correctly
  • Steps:
    1. Open the login page
    2. Enter a valid username and an incorrect password
    3. Click on the login button
    4. Verify that an error message is displayed
  • Expected Result: An error message should be displayed, indicating that the entered password is incorrect

In conclusion, test case writing is an essential skill for software testers. By understanding the requirements and objectives of the software, determining the test case’s objective, and providing clear, easy-to-follow steps, testers can ensure that their test cases are thorough and effective in detecting bugs.

I strongly recommend enrolling in Blackbox Software Testing Foundation courses to bolster your testing abilities. These comprehensive, scientifically-based courses are a must-have for any serious software tester.

20 Most asked API Testing Interview Questions

Here are 20 Most asked API testing interview questions:

  1. What is API testing and why is it important?
  2. What are the common HTTP methods used in API testing?
  3. How do you test the authentication and authorization of an API?
  4. How do you test the performance of an API?
  5. How do you handle API testing in an Agile development environment?
  6. How do you test error handling in an API?
  7. What are the common tools used for API testing?
  8. How do you test the security of an API?
  9. How do you test the reliability of an API?
  10. How do you test for compatibility in an API?
  11. What are some common challenges in API testing?
  12. How do you test for data integrity in an API?
  13. How do you test for compliance in an API?
  14. How do you test for backward compatibility in an API?
  15. How do you test for documentation in an API?
  16. How do you test for maintainability in an API?
  17. How do you test for scalability in an API?
  18. How do you test for usability in an API?
  19. How do you test for accessibility in an API?
  20. How do you test for internationalization in an API?

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