– By Murali Chemuturi

Why Testing is carried out? Why Software Testing is important? Testing is carried out primarily for unearthing any defects present in the system and to prevent a defective product reaching the customers. Secondarily, testing is also carried out to convince the customer that the product conforms to and fulfills the specifications and the functionality agreed to.
Software Testing is recognized as a very important activity in software development. Of late, the importance of independent testing – that is testing by persons not involved in the development of software – is increasingly being recognized, so much so, software companies specialized only in testing are established and are doing good business. Also significant is the fact that as the complexity and size of the software increased multi-fold – so has the complexity of testing as well as the types of testing. As a result, there is a paradigm shift in the estimation of testing effort from being taken as a percentage of development effort, to independent size estimation and effort estimation. Practitioners have come out with a size measure called “Test Points”. To the extent that I saw, the Test Points address the “Black Box” testing as used in Integration, System and Acceptance testing activities.
This paper intends to throw light on the complete testing activity and suggest a few solutions to estimation of testing effort.
Read more at below document:Basics of Software Test Effort Estimation