Reason 1 – Automation: Automation Testing is the Future
Modern applications are complex and demands testing each layer (API, DB, UI, Queuing Mechanism, NFRs, etc.). Test Engineers need to learn coding so that they can effectively write automation test and test the various layers.
Development/DevOps practices are evolving hence Testing practices need to be evolved too. Testers need to run at the fast pace too so that testing cycle time can be reduced and fast feedback can be given on the newly developed software.

The Goal is to ship faster by reducing the overall release cycle time.

Reason 2 – Better Test Case Design: Understand the internalswhy testers should learn coding
By learning the code, testers can understand inner working of the application:

  • Code flow
  • various elements
  • conditions
  • loops
  • decision points
  • branching
  • how the data flows from one system to another

Understanding on the internals, helps testes in better test case design

Reason 03 – Create Utilities:
With coding, testers can design utilities which can ease the testing. Few examples:

  • Automated Test Data generation
  • Creating db connections with other systems
  • Using APIs of Test Management apps and create utilities like auto bug reporting
  • comparers
  • Migration testing scripts, etc.

Download android app Software Testing – Full Stack QE and get the early access.