Are you thinking that you are a Software Testing Expert? Answer below questions in comments and judge yourself. For answers, select only one option and explain why you choose this option.

By – Anaya Johri

Question 1: You need to test a login screen. There is only one user id field which accepts 12 digits. As per the specs, it should accept only these values – 123456789012 or 098765432123 or 543216789091. Which software testing principle would use to design tests for this software?

  • Exhaustive testing is impossible
  • Testing shows presence of defects.
  • Confusing an absence of errors with product fit is a fallacy

  • Question 2: Your company has developed a product similar to MS Office. You have tested the application and it has passed all testing cycles. Your marketing team is selling the product by telling the client “Our product has passed Extremely thorough testing, and it is 100% bug free!”. Which principle of software testing is your marketing team not familiar with?

    • Exhaustive testing is impossible
    • Testing shows presence of defects.
    • Confusing an absence of errors with product fit is a fallacy

    Question 3: You company has designed a Asset Management System.This system enables users to enter assets metadata. There are some basic rules and validations implemented like for date fields, numeric fields, duplicate asset names, etc. You have designed tests for this system. Later you come to know, that client will integrate their existing system to new system for data import. That integration system will not be available to test team for testing. Later, you and your team test the application and it passes all testing cycles successfully. Which software testing principle did your team overlook while designing tests?

  • Exhaustive testing is impossible
  • Testing shows presence of defects.
  • Confusing an absence of errors with product fit is a fallacy

  • Answer below questions in comments and judge yourself. For answers, select only one option and explain why you choose this option.