A Request to you ALL !!!!!!!!!!!
Chandrasekhar B N is a 26 year old Software Tester working at Bangalore. He was detected with Blood cancer (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia – with Ph+ve) in October.
Chandrashekar is the sole bread earner in the family. His mother is a housewife and his 21 year old brother is a student, too. Doctors have prescribed chemotherapy and bone marrow transplant at a cost of Rs. 8 lacs for chemotherapy + Rs. 10 lacs for Bone Marrow Transplant. As he is now getting treatment, with no additional income in the family, family members and friends are trying to gather funds for his treatment and daily expenses but are at the end of their resources.

We urge all Testers to donate generously for this purpose. Lets help our fellow community member this Diwali season so that Chandrasekhar can have a Happy New Year.

Please note:
Donations made to CPAA are exempt from Income Tax under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act (50% exemption). Your receipt and tax exemption certificate will be sent to the address given in the CPAA form. Please enter your full postal address where CPAA can mail your 80G Exemption Certificate carefully. Your address will remain with CPAA and will not be shared with any other party.
No donation is small. You can do it online through your VISA/Matecard.
Procrastination might not be a good option. Please click here now.

Alternately, you can also write a cheque or send demand draft in the name “CANCER PATIENTS AID ASSOCIATION ” and mail it to:
Dr. Shubha Maudgal
Executive Director
Cancer Patients Aid Association
Smt. Panadevi Dalmia Cancer Management Centre
King George V Memorial, Dr. E. Moses Road,
Mahalakshmi, Mumbai – 400 011
Tel: +91 22 2492 4000 / 2492 8775 Fax: +91 22 2497 3599
Please Note: Write the patients name on the back of the cheque.

Other support you can provide:01. Pass this information to atleast 5 more testers you know.
02. If your organization wishes to donate please write to admin@testrepublic.com
03. Write to us if you have any other ideas of generating funds
04. Write to us if you know anyone who can help reduce the cost of treatment
Thank you for your time.
Originally posted at: testrepublic.com