Accountable and manageable exploratory testing workshop
2 Days : 5th & 6th Feb, 2011 In Bangalore
Facilitated by Pradeep Soundararajan, Director, Moolya Software Testing Pvt Ltd.

Topic Outline

Exploratory Testing

  • What is it?
  • Cost versus value
  • Styles of Exploratory Testing
  • Free form
  • Partially scripted
  • Chartered

Skills for better testing

  • Questioning
  • Observation
  • Lateral Thinking
  • Logical Thinking
  • Brainstorming
  • Modelling
  • Note taking
  • Bug investigation
  • Bug Reporting & Bug Advocacy
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Reverse Engineering

Heuristics & Oracles

  • Trigger Heuristics
  • Guideword Heuristics
  • Cheat sheet of Heuristics
  • Inconsistency oracles

ET in agile context

  • Choice of Quality Criteria
  • Mission Focus
  • Testing in short cycles & sprints
  • Tests for humans and Checks for Automation
  • Testing when minimum or no documentation or requirements is available

Dealing with bugs

  • Good practices of reporting bugs
  • Investigating bugs
  • Drafting & Publishing bugs

Refresher Exercise

  • Boundary Observations
  • Invisible states exercise
  • Mysterious Spherical Ball
  • Dice exercise
  • Test the trap
  • Questioning Requirements
  • Reverse Engineering
  • Testing Requirements for Lunch
  • Exploratory Testing demonstration
  • Session Based Testing demonstration

Test Management

  • Session Based Testing & Management
  • Test Coverage Assessment & Test Planning

Application focus

  • Web applications
  • Desktop applications
  • Mobile applications (partial)


  • 6000 + taxes
  • Payable through checks / cash
  • 80% money back if not satisfied with the value of the workshop
  • To register email to
  • Call +91 98451 76817 for help


  • Hands on 
  • Instructor facilitated learning
  • Very few slides, so you are safe
  • Exercise based
  • Humorous style

Post training support

  • Unlimited post training support
  • Package of all materials
  • Updates of latest happening
  • Subscription to newsletters
About Moolya

Moolya Software Testing Pvt. Ltd., headquartered in Bangalore, is the new generation testing services company providing services ranging from offshore testing, on-site testing, exploratory testing & consulting to small, medium and large software organizations across the globe. Moolya Testing offerings are wide enough to be brought in at any phase of the project. Be it before going to a demo at a conference, beta testing before going live or throughout the product life cycle. Moolya Testing delivers all testing services to its customers with wider and deeper test coverage.


About Pradeep

Pradeep is an awarded thought leader, renowned author, invited writer and speaker around the world. His consulting stories, test reports, experience reports has fascinated many people across the world. He has consulted for product startups, small & medium size software organizations, and multi billion dollar, euro and pound organizations, too. Pradeep’s Tester Tested! blog is one of the widely influential & read blogs in the industry 
Pradeep’s contribution to testing has been through test education, writing, speaking, test consulting, community development, open source testing, testing skills development, exploratory testing & rapid software testing. He has tested more than a few hundred products, at least half of them were paid projects.
He likes to mention that in past he was fired from a large organization as they considered him as the worst tester they ever hired. He was finding bugs and they couldn’t show 98% test case pass to the senior management.
He is humorous and there have been very few people who have not laughed to his humor 😛