Structural and Functional Technique

  • Both Structural and Functional Technique is used to ensure adequate testing
  • Structural analysis basically test the uncover error occur during the coding of the program.
  • Functional analysis basically test he uncover occur during implementing requirements and design specifications.
  • Functional testing basically concern about the results but not the processing.
  • Structural testing is basically concern both the results and also the process.
  • Structural testing is used in all the phases where design , requirements and algorithm is discussed.
  • The main objective of the Structural testing to ensure that the functionality is working fine and the product is technically good enough to implement in the real environment.
  • Functional testing is some times called as black box testing, no need to know about the coding of the program.
  • Structural testing is some times called as white box testing because knowledge of code is very much essential. We need the understand the code written by other users.
  • Various Structural Testing are
      1. Stress Testing
      2. Execution Testing
      3. Operations Testing
      4. Recovery Testing
      5. Compliance Testing
      6. Security Testing