Effective testing is often the result of good test cases. The “goodness” of test cases is typically associated with the test case contents, and is seen as ensuring high coverage and therefore effective testing.
The objective of this webinar is to highlight that the form and structure of test cases matter significantly to good testing in addition to the test case content. In fact a good form and structure aids generating good content.

Key Benefits:

The form and structure enables –
(1) test cases to be sharply goal focused i.e. what types of defects can uncover
(2) allows a clear assessment of effectiveness of test cases
(3) allows one to select appropriate test cases to optimize execution
(4) allows one to objectively assess the “system health” and finally
(5) enables development of shorter automated scripts enabling easy maintenance

Join the HBT (Hypothesis Based Testing) Series Webinar to learn more. T Ashok, Founder & CEO, STAG Software and Architect of HBT will deliver the webinar.

Click Here to Register for the webinar.