Are you an aspiring Test Lead or Test Manager? Are you ready for transition from test engineer to lead or Lear to a Manager? Here we explain how to set up good testing step by step.

Chapter 1 – Golden Rules of Software Testing

  • Introduction
  • Its all about finding the bug as early as possible 
  • Make sure you have these 3 software testing levels
  • Don’t expect too much of automated testing 
  • Deal with resistance
  • Do regression testing every new release
  • Let real users test with real data
  • You‘ll be lost without change request management
  • Make good arrangements with development and business
  • Focus on the software testing process, not on the tools
  • ‘Impact’ and ‘Chance’ are the keys to decide on risk and priority

Chapter 2 – Why Start Testing Early

  • Fact One
  • Fact Two
  • Conclusion: start testing early!
  • Want to know how to do this?

Chapter 3 – V Model is the basis of Structured testing

Chapter 4 – Functional Testing Step by Step

  • Introduction
  • Planning
  • Acceptance test preparation
  • System test preparation
  • Component and component integration testing
  • System and System Integration Test Execution
  • Acceptance test execution

Chater 5 – Golden rules for Bug Reporting

  • Introduction
  • Make one change request for every bug
  • Give step by step description of the problem
  • Explain the problem in plain language
  • Be concrete
  • Give a clear explanation on the circumstances where the bug appeared
  • If a result is not as expected, indicate what is expected exactly
  • Explain why (in your opinion) the request is a “show stopper”
  • Last but not least: don’t forget to use screen shots!

Chapter 6 –  Test Reporting