In This topic we will discuss, what is a Test Strategy, Why test strategy is required, how to create a Test Strategy, Defining Test Strategy, Requirements in Test Strategy and Key points to remember in Test Strategy.
A Quick and simple introduction to Test Strategy:
1. Test strategy is statement of overall approach of testing to meet the business and test objectives.
2. It is a plan level document and has to be prepared in the requirement stage of the project.
3. It identifies the methods, techniques and tools to be used for testing .
4. It can be a project or an organization specific.
5. Developing a test strategy which effectively meets the needs of the organization/project is critical to the success of the software development
6. An effective strategy has to meet the project and business objectives
7. Defining the strategy upfront before the actual testing helps in planning the test activities

Why do a Test Strategy? The Test Strategy is the plan for how you are going to approach testing. It is like a project charter that tells the world how you are going to approach the project. You may have it all in your head, and if you are the only person doing the work it might be OK. If however you do not have it all in your head, or if others will be involved, you need to map out the ground rules.
Download the sample Test Strategy Document
As per James Bach “A good test strategy is:
– Specific
– Justified
Test Approach and Test Architecture are other terms commonly used to describe what I’m calling test strategy.
Example of a poorly stated (and probably poorly conceived) test strategy:

“We will use black box testing, cause-effect graphing, boundary testing, and white box testing to test this product against its specification.”

A test strategy will typically cover the following aspects:
1. Definition of test objective
2. Strategy to meet the specified objective
3. Overall testing approach
4. Test Environment
5. Test Automation requirements
6. Metric Plan
7. Risk Identification, Mitigation and Contingency plan
8. Details of Tools usage
9. Specific Document templates used in testing
