Defect phase containment is a software quality engineering practice that involves identifying and fixing defects as early in the development process as possible. This helps to prevent the defects from being introduced into later phases of the development process, where they can be more costly and time-consuming to fix.

To calculate defect phase containment, you would first need to determine the number of defects that were identified and fixed in a particular phase of the development process. This could be the design phase, the coding phase, the testing phase, or any other phase in the development process.

Next, you would need to determine the total number of defects that were identified in that phase. This would include both the defects that were fixed, as well as those that were not.

To calculate the defect phase containment rate, you would then divide the number of defects that were fixed by the total number of defects that were identified, and multiply the result by 100 to express it as a percentage.

For example, if there were 100 defects identified in the design phase, and 50 of those defects were fixed, the defect phase containment rate would be 50%, as follows:

Defect phase containment rate = (number of defects fixed / total number of defects identified) x 100
= (50 / 100) x 100
= 50%

Overall, defect phase containment is an important practice for ensuring the quality of a product or service. By identifying and fixing defects early in the development process, it can help to save time, money, and effort, and ultimately result in a better product or service.