The purpose of the test pyramid is to provide a structure for designing and executing tests. It is also the cornerstone of testing at Google.

The test pyramid has four layers – unit tests, service tests, integration tests, end-to-end or acceptance tests. By dividing up the different types of tests into these levels, it becomes easier to decide what type of testing needs to be done when building and maintaining software.


At the bottom are unit tests. Unit tests are “white box” tests because they interact directly with product code. They typically perform operations on functions, methods, and classes. Unit tests should be concise, to the point, and focused on a single object/variation. They should be devoid of external dependencies and should instead rely on mocks/monkey-patching. These tests took less time to execute.

Integration tests are located in the center. Integration tests examine the point at which two distinct entities come together. They should be “black box” in nature, interacting with actual instances of the product being tested, rather than with code. Integration tests include service call tests (REST, SOAP, and others).

End-to-end tests are at top level. End-to-end tests trace a system’s path. They could be argued to be a multi-step integration test, and they should also be “black box.” Typically, they interact with the product in the same way that a real user would. Web UI tests are an example of integration tests, as they require the entire stack to run.

And manual testing is the cherry on top. Certain types of tests, such as exploratory or usability testing, cannot be automated, but we should always strive to minimize the number of manual tests.

You should be aware that as we progress up the pyramid, three factors begin to increase:

  • Costs associated with the development and maintenance of tests
  • Time frame for execution
  • Possibility of erroneous negatives

Key aspects relating to the software testing pyramid include the following:

Avoid conducting duplicate tests at multiple levels. There is no reason to conduct the same tests at various levels. For instance, if boundary values were validated in unit tests, they should not be repeated in the GUI – you will not obtain any new data.

One should strive to reduce the difficulty of tests whenever possible. For example, you can verify interest calculation on a negative sum at a “medium level” or even at the unit test level. Therefore, why should you do it at the UI level? Lower-level test automation is more efficient; it enables you to identify defects earlier and saves you time and money.