Implementing an automation testing tool is not easy. Below are some of the common pitfalls which companies has come across:

  • The various tools used throughout the development lifecycle did not easily integrate.
  • Spending more time on automating test scripts than on actual testing. It is important to decide first which tests should be automated and which cannot be automated. 
  • Everyone on the testing team trying to automate scripts. It is preferable to assign test script generation to people who have some development background so that manual testers can concentrate on other testing aspects
  • Elaborate test scripts being developed, duplicating the development effort.
  • Test tool training being given late in the process, which results in test engineers having a lack of tool knowledge
  • Testers resisting the tool. It is important to have a Tool Champion who can advocate the features of the tool in the early stages to avoid resistance
  • Expectation for Return of Investment on Test Automation is high. When a testing tool is introduced, initially the testing scope will become larger but if automation is done correctly, then it will decrease in subsequent releases
  • Tool having problem in recognizing third-party controls (widgets).
  • A lack of test development guidelines
  • Reports produced by the tool being useless as the data required to produce the report was never accumulated in the tool
  • Tools being selected and purchased before a system engineering environment gets defined.
  • Various tool versions being in use resulting in scripts created in one tool not running in another. One way to prevent this is to ensure that tool upgrades are centralized and managed by a configuration management team.
  • The new tool upgrade not being compatible with the existing system engineering environment. It is first preferred to do a beta test with the new tool before rolling out in the project
  • The tool’s database not allowing for scalability. It is better to pick a tool that allows for scalability using a robust database.  Additionally, it is important to back up the test database
  • Incorrect use of a test tool’s management functionality resulting in waste of time.

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