On Readers demand we are posting QTP 10 Certification HP0-M39 Sample Practice Questions Papers.

Q1) Where is the system monitor tab located?
A) in the right pane of test results window
B) in the information pane
C) in the resources pane
D) in the right pane of the system window

Q2) Which term is used to identify the values captured by Quick test during recording and used in a checkpoint as a reference value during a test run?
A) actual value
B) expected value
C) recorded value
D) updated value

Q3) Which events are considered exceptions when replaying a test?
A) test application that crashes
B) field is mandatory message
C) printer out of ink message
D) invalid password message
E) invalid permission message

Q4) When is it best to use a programmatic description?
A) when you work with properties and methods of an object not in the object repository
B) when you are retrieving a property from a static run time object
C) when you are retrieving a property from a test object
D) when you need to click static buttons

Q5) Which operator do you use to concatenate 2 strings in VBscript?
A) &
B) &&
C) concat
D) ++

Q6) The global data for a test includes 200 rows. What is the best way to limit this test to only run one iteration?
A) by deleting all but one row in the global data table
B) by adding custom code to expert view to limit the iterations
C) by right clicking on the global data table to select the iteration menu
D) by modifying the run options to test settings dialog

Q7) Identify available column names in the keyword view(select four)
A) Value
B) Documentation
C) Object
D) Record settings
E) Property
F) Method
G) Operation
H) Item

Q8) Which actions can you perform using the Active Screen? (Select two.)
A. Modify objects.
B. Insert standard checkpoints.
C. Insert XML checkpoints.
D. Insert transactions.
E. Insert steps.

Q9) You need to define a custom checkpoint for your test that will update the test results, but not cause the test to be marked as Pass or Fail. Which status value should you use?
A) micPass
B) micDone
C) micComplete
D) micFail

Q10) What happens when you import data from an external excel file into the QTP data table?
A) Row data is overwritten when column headers in excel and the data table match
B) a new column is added to the data table when column headers in excel and data table match
C) All the excel sheets in the file are imported
D) Excel listboxes are expanded and one row is added to the data table per value in the list
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