Developers and testers usually work in related but separately-managed teams. Often when working on the same product, these two teams are directed individually. Both groups sometimes work in silos, using tools that aren’t integrated, and don’t communicate well when issues are discovered.

The result is erratic code quality, dependent on the individual developer, with a high escaped-bug rate, frequent regressions, and performance problems. This situation fosters a high-level of mistrust between testers and developers. Documented bugs are often difficult to reproduce due to poor documentation. In addition, the high complexity of the typical enterprise environment leads developers to assume that testers incorrectly configured the software or made some other mistake that nullifies the bug. A game of “Defect Ping Pong” often ensues. Bugs are opened, rejected, then reopened, bouncing back and forth between testing and development.

Microsoft’s application lifecycle management toolset—which includes Microsoft Test Manager, Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, and Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010—has introduced capabilities that enable testers and developers to work together at a new, more productive level of collaboration.

ALPI invites you to attend this web seminar that outlines the pain points in the developer-tester relationship and demonstrates the Microsoft solution. Implementing these tools promises higher software quality through fewer bugs and less regression tests, faster time to market by addressing defect root cause quickly and accurately, and an enhanced working relationship and new level of respect between testers and their development peers.

Edwin “Ed” J. Reynolds, Director of Consulting Services, ALP International

Mr. Reynolds has been in involved in quality assurance (QA) and automation for fifteen years. As the QA manager at Capital One Finance Corp., he introduced and implemented automation testing throughout all functional areas, which included automated load testing. Mr. Reynolds then worked for Mercury Interactive as a senior technical engineer delivering and implementing automation to hundreds of customers throughout the United States. He also was the leader in helping Mercury Interactive develop and deliver best practices and strategies for implementing automation. Currently he is the director of consulting services at ALP International Corporation, a leading organization in the area of test process improvement and in the use of test automation tools to bring efficiency and effectiveness to the testing process.

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