Difference between Rational Functional Tester & Rational Robot:

Rational Functional Tester is an automated functional testing and regression testing tool.
Provides testers with automated testing capabilities for functional testing, regression testing, GUI testing and data-driven testing.

– Enables testers to automate tests resilient to frequent application user interface changes with ScriptAssure™ technology
– Validates dynamic data with multiple wizards, verification points and support for regular expression patterns
– Automated wizard for data-driven testing increases test coverage by reusing individual tests with multiple sets of test data
– Allows the use of keywords to power portions of manual tests with automated testing
– Offers testers a choice of scripting language for test authoring and customization: Java in Eclipse® or Microsoft® Visual Basic .NET® in Visual Studio.NET
– Supports custom controls through proxy SDK (Java/.Net)
– Includes out of the box support for Web-based, .Net, Java, terminal emulator based applications such as 3270 (zSeries™) and 5250 (iSeries™), PowerBuilder, AJAX, Adobe Flex, Dojo Toolkit, Siebel, and SAP® applications
– Operating systems supported: Linux, Windows

Rational Robot is a test automation tool for functional testing of client/server applications.
Test automation tool for QA teams for testing client/server applications. Enables defect detection, includes test cases and test management, supports multiple UI technologies.

– Provides a general-purpose test automation tool for QA teams for functional testing of client/server applications
– Lowers learning curve for testers discovering the value of test automation processes
* Enables test-automation engineers to detect defects by extending test scripts and to define test cases
– Provides test cases for common objects and specialized test cases to development environment objects
– Includes built-in test management, integrates with IBM Rational Unified Process tools
– Aids in defect tracking, change management and requirements traceability
– Supports multiple UI technologies
– Operating systems supported: Windows