Test Plan First



  • The test plan keeps track of possible tests that will be run on the system after coding.
  • The test plan is a document that develops as the project is being developed.
  • Record tests as they come up
  • Test error prone parts of software development.
  • The initial test plan is abstract and the final test plan is concrete.
  • The initial test plan contains high level ideas about testing the system without getting into the details of exact test cases.
  • The most important test cases come from the requirements of the system.
  • When the system is in the design stage, the initial tests can be refined a little.
  • During the detailed design or coding phase, exact test cases start to materialize.
  • After coding, the test points are all identified and the entire test plan is exercised on the software.

Purpose of Software Test Plan:

  • Test Plan Ensures all Functional and Design Requirements are implemented as specified in the documentation.
  • To provide a procedure for Unit and System Testing.
  • To identify the documentation process for Unit and System Testing.
  • To identify the test methods for Unit and System Testing.

Advantages of test plan

  • Serves as a guide to testing throughout the development.
  • We only need to define test points during the testing phase.
  • Serves as a valuable record of what testing was done.
  • The entire test plan can be reused if regression testing is done later on.
  • The test plan itself could have defects just like software!

In software testing, a test plan gives detailed testing information regarding an upcoming testing effort, including

  • Scope of testing
  • Schedule
  • Test Deliverables
  • Release Criteria
  • Risks and Contingencies