OK Folks, the original article is written by Ray Claridge here – (http://www.testertroubles.com/2009/05/golden-rules-for-software-testing.html). In this article we are adding few more tips.

Read these simple golden rules for software testing. They are based on years of practical testing experience and solid theory.

Its all about finding the bug as early as possible:
Start software testing process as soon as you got the requirement specification document. Review the specification document carefully, get your queries resolved. With this you can easily find bugs in requirement document (otherwise development team might developed the software with wrong functionality) and many time this happens that requirement document gets changed when test team raise queries.

After requirement doc review, prepare scenarios and test cases.

Make sure you have atleast these 3 software testing levels
1. Integration testing or Unit testing (performed by dev team or separate white box testing team)
2. System testing (performed by professional testers)
3. Acceptance testing (performed by end users, sometimes Business Analyst and test leads assist end users)

Don’t try to become popular by completing tasks before time and by loosing quality. Some testers do this and get appreciation from managers in early project cycles. But you should stick to the quality and perform quality testing. If you really tested the application fully, then you can go with numbers (count of bus reported, test case prepared, etc). Definitely your project partners will appreciate the great job you’re doing!

Regression Testing is MUST:
Once the development team is done with the bug fixes and give release to testing team, apart from the bug fixes, testing team should perform the regression testing as well. In early test cycles regression testing of entire application is required. In late testing cycles, when application is near UAT, discuss the impact of bug fixes with deal team and test the functionality as per that.

Don’t expect too much of automated testing
Automated testing can be extremely useful and can be a real time saver. But it can also turn out to be a very expensive and invalid solution. Consider – ROI.

Test With Real data:
Apart from invalid data entry, testers must test the application with real data. for this help can be taken from Business analyst and Client.
You can take help like these sites – http://www.fakenamegenerator.com/. But when it comes to Finance domain, request client for sample data, coz there can data like – $10.87 Million etc.

Keep track of change requests:
Sometimes, in later test cycles everyone in the project become so busy and didn’t get time to document the change requests. So in this situation, for testers (Test leads) I suggest to keep track of change requests (which happens thru email communication) in a separate excel document.
Also give the change requests a priority status:

  • Show stopper (must have, no work around)
  • Major (must have, work around possible)
  • Minor (not business critical, but wanted)
  • Nice to have

Actively use these above statuses for reporting and follow up!

Note – In CMMi or in process oriented companies, there are already change request management (configuration management systems)

Don’t be a Quality Police:
Let Business analyst and technical managers to decide what bugs need to be fixed. Definetely testers can give inputs to them why this fix is required.

‘Impact’ and ‘Chance’ are the keys to decide on risk and priority
You should keep a helicopter view on your project. For each part of your application you have to define the ‘impact’ and the ‘chance’ of anything going wrong.

  • ‘Impact’ being what happens if a certain situation occurs – What’s the impact of an airplane crashing?
  • ‘Chance’ is the likelihood that something happens – What’s the chance to an airplane crash?

Delivery to client:
Once the final testing cycle is completed or when the application is going for UAT, Test lead should discuss  that these many bugs still persists (with priority) and let Technical manager (dev team), Product manager and business analyst to decide whether application needs to be deliver or not. Definitely testers can give inputs to them on the OPENED bugs.

Focus on the software testing process, not on the tools
Test management and other testing tools make our tasks easy but these tools cannot perform testing. So  instead of focusing on tools, focus on core software testing. You can be very successful by using basic tools like MS Excel.