Click Here to read Function Testing Step by Step – Part 1

Component and component integration testing
– For now, let’s not go in to that. This is a chapter on functional testing. Component and component integration testing are a responsibility of the Development department.
System and System Integration Test Execution
– Once IT tells you can start testing: do some smoke tests:
    – Go through the application part you want to test
    – Check whether you can walk trough the application
    – Look for server errors, buttons that don’t work, navigation problems.
    – Make a decision on this: is the application good enough to start system tests. If not: back to Development Team.

– Test execution
    – Take the lists you made in system test preparation
    – Check every test and mark it ‘pass’ or ‘fail’
    – Leave things you can not test on status ‘to test’ (don’t put them all on ‘fail’!)

    – Make good bug reports for every ‘fail’:
        – make a link with your test case list
        – place this bug in status ‘reported’

    – Once the system tests pass reasonably well, start exploratory testing.
        – Just put away the analysis documents and think destructive while you perform the tests.
        – Behave like you are an end user. What do you want to do with this application?

– Talk about the bugs before programming starts
    – Meet with IT, business and analysts to talk about every bug:
        – Is it relevant? if not : remove the bug from your project view
        – Give priority to each bug (show stopper, major, minor, nice to have)
        – If you work with release, ask in which release this bug has to be resolved
        – Keep track of priority / release number, etc

– Once the bug is fixed, perform retest of the problem as mentioned in the bug report
    – When a test fails, talk about it with IT, business and -if necessary- analysts before programming starts.

Acceptance test execution
– Preparation
    – Book test rooms / invite testers long enough before testing
    – Remind them the day before test execution
    – Make short introduction demo on what you expect of the acceptance testers
    – Tell them how to report to you
    – Explain golden rules for bug reporting

– Let real end users perform the tests you made during acceptance test preparation
– Ask them to use real live data
– After they performed the prepared tests, ask them to perform some exploratory testing
– Make good bug reports for every ‘fail’
– Talk about the bug before start programming (IT, business, testing, analysts)

This is how your project might look like while executing testing:
Project_view_test_execution_example.xls (password: osst)