Below are some advanced level/ Test lead level Software Testing Questions. Answer now and Judge yourself.
– Advantages & drawbacks of path coverage metric of software testing?
– Advantages & drawbacks of decision coverage metric of software testing?
– Drawbacks of statement coverage metric of software testing?
– Main advantages of statement coverage metric of software testing?
– Compare Automation Testing with Manual Testing.
– Define Test Scenario?
– Is there any Automated tool going to replace the testers?
– Are automated tool Replace Manual Testers?
– Basic assumptions behind coverage analysis?
– When to automate tests?
– If you are a Lead Automation engineer then what questions you would ask to yourself and your manager while deciding to automate the tests?

– What is :
“Key Word Driven” Method of Testing?
“Test Plan Driven” Method of Testing?
Comparison Testing?
Parallel Testing?
Automated Testing?
a Data Flow Diagram (DFD)?
a Traceability Matrix?
Defect Leakage?
Configuration Management?
Statement Coverage In software testing,?
multiple condition coverage metric of software testing?
the difference between code coverage analysis & test coverage analysis?
the difference between Structural testing & functional testing?
Probe Testing?
the purpose of Automated Test Tools?
Difference between Retest and Regression Testing?
the best sequence of coverage goals as implementation strategy?

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